Chapter 30

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I open the cupboard and pull out a can. Turning it over I see I have pulled out a can of baked beans. Yuck! I throw it back inside and try to find something edible. Tuna, tomato soup, sweat peas... I pull out a can hiding in the back of the cupboard, a tin of corn. Jackpot!

I open it hastily, almost slicing my finger open in the process. I tip it into a bowl and start to eat.

I wonder how Taylor is doing? Is people still bullying her? I hope she is okay. I wonder where Blake is now?

That last thought takes me by surprise and I push it away. I don't care about Blake, I only care about his sister, right?

I finish the last of the corn and I get up to clean the bowl. An ear-splitting scream breaks the silence and I freeze. It came from outside. Dropping the bowl I wrap my black cloak around me and tuck my knives into my belt and boot. Rather be safe than sorry if something is going on.

I step outside through my door, careful to stick to the shadows. The Rats are back. They are running down the street and into houses. I hear people scream and cry, but they don't pull anyone out. They are looking for something.

I walk around the edge of the house, wanting to get as far away from my house as possible, in case someone sees me. I step into the neighbours garden and creep past his house into his neighbours garden. I am about to jump the fence into the next house when a hand grabs my arm. I spin around and try to throw of his hand, but his grip is solid. Another hand grabs my left arm.

"We have him! We have him!" The two Rats holding me call out. Immediately all the Rats in the street stop searching and run over here. They cheer and chant, giving each other high fives and fist bumps. They weren't looking for something, they were looking for someone. Me.

I struggle against their grip, trying to free myself. More hands secure themselves on my arms, gripping so tight I have to bite my lip from screaming out.

The commotion stops as someone walks towards us. Their commander, I presume. I can't see who it is, for he is hidden in shadow.

"Well done boys, you have him." A familiar voice calls out and my heart stops. Dread fills inside me and I suck in a breath. It can't be.

But it is. Out of the shadows steps Blake, dressed in blue government clothes and hair slicked back. He glances at me and I try not to flinch. It feels like I've been punched in the gut.

The man holding my left arm starts to talk. "What do we do with him?"

"Just get a good grip on him and follow me. Make sure he can't escape!" The man moves to grab my waist and I jerk away.

"You wanna live through this night, you keep your hands on my arm!" I growl at him, shoving my fist into his jaw. He groans and jumps back, hugging his jaw. Hands grab onto my arms and hold tighter, pulling me back. But no one grabs my waist.

Blake frowns and looks confused. He studies me quickly and I try to shrink into the Rats holding me. He shakes his head and turns around. Good, he doesn't recognise me or my voice. They shove me roughly behind him and I keep quiet the rest of the trip.

We walk for about an hour, into the city. The streets are deserted and silent, only the the sound of the Rats footsteps and the beating of the wind to be heard. Finally we reach the tall, big building that the government claim as their own. It is made from polished marble and is a good seven stories high. Shows how wealthy they are.

The Rats open the door and push me inside. We walk through twisting and turning corridors, so many of them I soon lose track, until they stop outside a metal door. It has a big padlock on the front with rusted bolts and screws as well.

It opens with a creak and I am pretty much thrown through the door. Two Rats form behind move in to take my weapons from me. They look slightly hesitant and I hold up a hand to stop them.
"I will." I pull the knives form my belt and hand the, over one by one. Though I keep the one wedged into my boot. No one realises. I guess pulling six knives out of the waist band of your pants is enough.
They nod and shove me further into the square room that holds only a plank of metal which I presume is my bed. The door is slammed shut behind me and I hear it lock.

I sit down on the hard table and put my head in my hands. How did I get here? Now I am going to be tried and executed in front of the entire suburb.

A terrible thought hits me and vibrates through my mind. No, no! I let out a moan, running my hand through my ponytail under my cloak. They have to take off my cloak first, reveal who I am.

And then Blake can see just how bad I actually am. I can't believe he is on the governments side! So it was all a lie, he was just a spy reporting back to the enemy. And to think I was starting to fall for him. Better I find out now though, before it gets anymore serious.

I pull my legs up onto the table and hug my knees. I slowly rock back and forth. I'm going to die now. But it's okay. I did it for Izzy and Jay, and their lives are worth a thousand times more than my own. I only wish I was able to say goodbye to Elijah.

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