Chapter 12

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There is no bus that comes around in the middle of the day that I know of, so I decide to run. I make my breathing easy and steady, running at a fast jog. The wind picks up and pulls at my hair, a sweet scent of sand and flowers. I move myself in time with my heart beat, taking long strides. I feel so alive, so full. My head bursts with new memories, memories that bring me joy and sadness and peace. But also questions that I cannot answer.

One memorie in particular nags at the back of my mind. When I was running with Elijah, we were atop The Divider. But how is that possible? No one has ever been on top of The Divider, there is just no safe way to climb it. But I was there. If there was a way get up there safely, and get back down... So there has to be some way to get up there. This thought givesgem new hope, so small that it might die at any moment, but still hope.

But it quickly dies as another thought demands my attention. 'But you don't know how'. No matter how hard I try to remember the pathway up to the top, I can't. Almost like that detail was so small that it dissapeared from my memory, lost forever. I sigh and focus on my running, scanning the road before me for any signs of threats, human or other. But the baron landscape is as placid as always, dead and lonely. Few living things grow around here, due mainly to the drought but also to lack of care by the government. Though it would be quite insulting if the government put money towards the environment but continued to ignore its less privileged people.

The road is narrow and made of loose gravel that slide beneath my feet. I almost loose my feating twice. I round a sharp corner and find myself at the front of the school. I look up at its large, imprisonating building and decide to keep running. My watch says I have another good hour before I have to be back here for Izzy and Jay. I admire its silver strap that fits snugly around my wrist, the second arm ticking by soundlessly. It was a gift from dad for my thirteenth birthday, one of the only gifts I've ever received and by far the nicest.

I run along the road towards town, heading for the same phone booth I had used to call my Aunt. Had that only been yesterday? So much has happened that it feels like so much longer, not just a mere twenty-four hours or so.

I walk inside the booth and shut the door firmly behind me, even though I cant see anyone out right now. I grab the phone and punch in the number for the airport. I found it in dads book of 'Important Stuff.' Someone picks up immediantly.

"Hello. My name is Kyra Avedle and I am phoning on behalf of my father John Avedle." I say in my best professional voice, aiming to sound confident, snobbish and truthful.

"Well Miss Avedle, it is a pleasure to meet you. Though I hope your father is alright, he is one of our more frequent flyers." Perfect.

"Oh, he is quite alright, just attending to pressing manners that need immediate attention. He asked me to phone you concerning a flight. I am afraid it is rather soon and he does send his dearest apoligies, but something has come up and he must be in England in seven days. He is hoping there are still tickets available for the noon flight that leaves in six days?" I hold my breath, hoping she belives my lie. She pauses before answering.

"I'm very sorry Miss, but we must be able to speak to him in person. If he could phone back sometime today we will be able to make arrangements."

"Oh. Well that is such a shame, father just must get out to England and he is booked in meetings all of today and tomorow. He is a very important and powerful man you see, a man who does not like to be questioned. But I understand your dilemma and I'm sure father can find someone else to help him and mother get to England..." I say thoughtfully, hoping she'll take the bait.

"Wait!" She says quickly, giving in and I smile, "There are two seats available on our helicopter B3-290 departing at 12:00pm. The runway is currently out of use so if your father could be so kind as to find a departure zone." I think for a second, mind racing through possible spots that won't be suspicious. But I can only think of one spot...

"You will be met by my father and mother on the top of The Divider. If you fly your helicopter over, all you need to do is lower a rope ladder to the ground that they can use to climb onboard."

"B-but no one has e-ever climb atop The Divider before! How are you to manage?" She gasps in shock and I roll my eyes. Pretending to be posh is hard work.

"Don't worry about my father, his a most... intelligent man." I hung up abruptly, not wanting for her to question my story. All I have to do is find a way to get up there. Okay, so I sounded way more confident than I am. But I have no other choice. And I know exactly who can help me.

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