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liked by joe_mazzello, abblake, and 848,938 others

ombvincent if you want to find love then you know where the city is

tagged: joe_mazzello

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user joe and ophelia are together, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!
joe_mazzello you're too wonderful, this all has to be a dream (subtext: is it too early to get married?)
benhardy i can't believe you've done this (subtext: baby come back to me)
user oH NO BEN
ombvincent this is the harsh reality (subtext: put a ring on it 🤧💞💘✨💖💍🥰)
user my skin is clear my crops are thriving josephelia is practically canon
emilynton we send you to the city to be by yourself for one (1) day and this is what happens
emilynton i'm not even mad, y'all. i'm impressed
user a friend like emilia please
bartmarsden our little girl is all grown up
user are you going to do any new movies soon? like why are you in new york?
ramimalek she's there to see joe, obviously
user RAMI OH MY Sweet JESUs
user i can't believe my faves are together this is real life i'm thriving
mrgwilymlee me, knowing that ophelia is joe's celeb crush and now here he is: ✊🏼😌💕💘💖💗💓💞💝
user GWIL
user gwil exposing joe is everything that i've ever needed
lucyboynton1 can confirm that he told us exactly that in the group chat
ombvincent lucyboynton1 how does one get accepted into said group chat
joe_mazzello Y'all please stop you're embarrassing me



liked by benhardy, ombvincent, and 894,022 others

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liked by benhardy, ombvincent, and 894,022 others

joe_mazzello took her on a pizza date and this is what she wore
so i think i might be getting married soon, idk

tagged: ombvincent

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user "i think i might be getting married soon" i'm literally sobbing i love josephelia way too much
user literally same sis
benhardy you're marrying me, right?
user oh no ben
tasiano oh worm (subtext: yes please take this golden retriever off of my hands or at least share custody)
joe_mazzello listen, ben, we had a good run, and i know there's so much chemistry, but it's time for us to part ways and move on.
user Top Ten Anime Betrayals
user my heart just broke for ben
ombvincent (the jokes on him, i'm a pirates fan, i was just trying to impress him ✊🏼😤)
joe_mazzello i just fell even more in love with you oh no
user I Would Lay Down My Life To See These Two Fall In Love And Be Happy
user who even is she never heard of her
user just another irrelevant chick looking for some clout
user ridiculous
mrgwilymlee so when do we get to meet her
joe_mazzello never
ombvincent asap eh pls
user theory that joe wants to keep ophelia away because she's so pretty and he's afraid the boys will scare her away
lucyboynton1 that theory would be correct
lucyboynton1 also can we chat about your skin care routine because you're flawless
user lucy is doing god's work
user her cheekbones are so stunning i love being a lesbian
ramimalek her cheekbones and jawline are impressive, i'm jealous
user rami wildin
ombvincent i'm???? honoured????

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