real life!

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"i'm so sorry about them," joseph groaned, dropping his head into his hands. "they were like this when theo and ben first started hanging out, i should've known that they were going to act as such since we started hanging out."

ophelia handed him a mug of coffee with an amused smile painted on her lips, seating herself on the floor at the coffee table. "so you suppose we'll be the next ben and theo?"

he spat the coffee from his mouth, liquid dribbing from his mouth as he hurried to wipe it with his sleeve as quick as he could. "i didn't mean to assume like that, i just meant like, you know, um, uh, when a guy and girl start, you know, and -"

"joe," she giggled, setting her mug down, leaning forward with her elbows on the table. "i'm pulling your chain, my dude."

"yeah, of course, i knew that." joseph stared down into his coffee mug, his entire face lit up red with embarrassment.

"oh, honey, come here," she opened her arms wide. "i would totally come to you but my legs are already numb from sitting here."

he laughed, flocking to her embrace, then helping her to her feet. "but seriously, i didn't just entirely scare you away?"

"not at all," she smiled warmly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

the moment was ruined by the ringing of his phone.

"theo is calling me," the statement sounded more like a question. "she doesn't typically do phone calls."

"answer it."

"are you sure?"

"joey, kiddo, she's your friend. stop asking permission and just answer her."

joseph gave her a small salute before pressing the green button, eyebrows knitting as he took in the scene before him. on his screen were benjamin and theodosia, sitting on the floor of their apartment bathroom, obviously having just finished crying. "hey guys, what's going on?"

theodosia's face lit up but her words were cut off by another round of crying, joseph deciding in that moment he was about to receive the best of news. it was then that benjamin spoke up, proclaiming, "mate, we're having a baby!"

a lump grew in the older man's throat as he began to cry himself, happy for his best friends. "you aren't pulling my leg?"

"not at all," theodosia grinned. "but please, keep it under wraps. we haven't told any family yet since we aren't married, so it's only friends in there know for now."

joseph nodded, then tugged at his hair as he allowed tears to fall freely down his cheeks. "i'm so happy for you two! i can't believe you'll be having the first bo rhap baby!"

"we can't believe it ourselves," they chuckled. the three chatted a moment longer before hanging up, masking promises to get together soon.

it was then that joseph collapsed in ophelia's arms, crying harder still, and though she didn't quite understand, she cooed and wrapped her arms around him all the same. when he finally murdered the courage, he uttered, "please don't get me wrong. i'm so incredibly happy for them. but at the same time i find myself feeling sad and jealous, you know? for some reason i always thought i would be the first of us to really settle down and start having kids. i suppose i was wrong."

ophelia took in all he said to say, absentmindedly running her fingers through his hair all the while. when he finished speaking, she took a moment before hugging him closer, whispering, "your feelings are valid. no need to sound so ashamed." (to such, of course, he began to cry harder.)

it's hard to tell just exactly how long they sat like that, as ophelia was never one to have a sense of time, but they did sit there for a long while. what eventually cut through their silence was joseph's laughter, and upon ophelia's questioning he replied, "i'm one of the single men in the group and i actually thought i would have a kid first. when ben and theo, and rami and lucy are out here being all in love. what was i gonna do, spawn?"

ophelia joined him in his giggling, cradling him close as she felt her heart beat strangely.

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