imessage group chat!

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"billy shakes gang gang"

ophelia (ophelia by the lumineers)
emilia (emilia clarke)
bartholomew (bart simpson)
antony (mark antony)

ophelia by the lumineers
hi hunnies
i'm homesick :(
when are you guys coming to
visit :(
i have a guest room and a pull
out couch :)

mark antony
i'll be there in t-minus 13 days

emilia clarke
i won't be able to make it up until
the school year is over

bart simpson
i might come up with ant

ophelia by the lumineers
who even said i still want you to
come up, ant?
barf, you should definitely come
god i just want my friends like
i'm so lonely

mark antony
i'm coming up whether you like it
or not

ophelia by the lumineers

bart simpson
what's wrong
what's going on between the two
of you

ophelia by the lumineers
he hollered at me about joseph
and that i was "rushing it" even
though we are simply friends with
subtle flirtation and have zero (0)
plans to be anything more than
exactly that

bart simpson

emilia clarke
ant, you need to stop

mark antony
look, someone had to say it
and the way she was acting, i
thought they were going to be
dating and shit

ophelia by the lumineers

bart simpson
you've gotta get over this shit
the two of you aren't together
you don't get an opinion
it's ophelia's life and you've got
to let her live it

emilia clarke
like there's a way to respectfully
insert your opinion but for ophelia
to be mad about it? you obviously
didn't do it the right way at all
and what bart said, too

mark antony
it's not because we dated!
i was just a concerned friend!
but attack me, i guess!

ophelia by the lumineers
i love you, dude, and you know
that. you know that i appreciate
your concern and whatnot always.
you know that you're most always
the voice of reason. however, the
things you said were out of line.
it wasn't friend to friend, it was
jealous ex to friend. and it upset
me, greatly. you know it upset
me. you could tell that you were
upsetting me and yet you
continued to speak and make it
even worse, and you haven't
even made a move to attempt to
apologise about it. i didn't have
to keep you in my life but i did
because i felt pressure to keep
the group together! do not come
to new york, and if you do, don't
come see me. i don't care to see
you any time soon.

mark antony has left the chat!

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