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liked by ombvincent, bartmarsden, and 834,392 others

joe_mazzello sometimes you just need a cup of coffee and to spend hours upon hours talking about the universe

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user this is the cutest aw 🥺
user but she looks so sad, like she just stopped crying 🙁
mrgwilymlee i can't wait to come to america and meet this sweet girl in person once and for all
user i'm crying in my philosophy class rn because of this comment fuck
ombvincent i'm so eternally grateful for your existence on earth, dino boy🦕
joe_mazzello i'm always here for you, darling
user he called her darling and i'm actually sobbing into my pillow
user imagine getting to fall in love with ophelia
user while also receiving her love
benhardy joe doesn't have to imagine
user disgusting. first we had to deal with theo chasing for clout, now we have to deal with this bitch
bartmarsden aw man i miss those nights. tell her i love and miss her
emilynton me too! heart
user a Friend Group™
user i love them all so much i'm crngiy
ombvincent i love you my starlings✨
user i want a friend group like theirs AGH
lucyboynton1 but when do we get to meet her in person because she looks like she gives the best hugs
user lucy is so soft i - uWu
joe_mazzello whenever you guys are in town! (i am answering for lia because she fell asleep (sos my left arm is dead))
lucyboynton1 i'm gonna say it
lucyboynton1 SHIP
lucyboyton1 love and support josephelia😤
user we have lucy on board this is good this is good
benhardy but really you have all of us on board
tasiano ooooh yes. i love this song
mrgwilymlee honestly just want joe to have his fairy tale ending already and i just KNOW that lia is the one nostrils
user i'm - wig snatched. bawling. found dead. cannot breathe. this is my favourite chaotic group

you're my sunshine ↬ joe mazzello [3]Where stories live. Discover now