Alastor x DragonMaster!Reader (Hidden World)

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Down in the depths of Hell, people took many different forms. They seemed to be mingled with and lowered to mere creatures, being less than human. Spider demons, moth demons, deer demons... but then there were those who took a far more mythical stand in the spectrum of beings.

Alastor had heard of the fabled Dragon Demon who isolated themself in the Outlands, a place most dared not go. The very ground was dry and cracked, oozing blackness and pollution from its thin lines, and the creatures where were rabid and merciless. One of those creatures, though it always took a person seeing it to believe it, were dragons. They typically stayed away from the inner nine circles, but occasionally people who took their chances in the Outlands would get snatched and carried away to become some giant beasts meal. Never to be seen again.

It used to be assumed that they were solely independent creatures who answered strictly to no master... it seems this was false. There had been rumors. Demons who scouted only the outer edge of the Outlands claiming that they saw a figure atop one of the dragons, riding it. Some passed this off as absurd; dragons were feral and untamable creatures.

Alastor, however... was intrigued by this. He'd never actually bothered in attempting to catch a glimpse of these reportedly majestic and simultaneously vicious beasts. But ever since hearing of this Dragon Demon, as they were starting to call them, he decided to pay a 'visit'. And by visit, what he really intended was to shoot a dragon down. Now that would be a real beauty to hang on the wall. A real hunting challenge. After all, it wasn't the safest thing to bring so much attention to yourself. Not unless you wanted to get his attention.

And that's what he was doing now. Scouring the deeper depths of the Outlands. He was one of the few people with the power and who was actually ballsy enough to do so. He tore through every monstrous disfigured creature who dared to attack him. After what felt like hours of walking... he spotted something in the fiery auburn skies. At first glance, it seemed like a ring of vultures... but closer inspection, these creatures came in many different sizes, forms, wing spans. He squinted through his monocle.


For a moment, he was almost dissuaded from shooting one down. They were shockingly beautiful creatures. He'd expected them to all look relatively the same, males possibly being a little more colorful than females, as was typical in the animal kingdom. But the sheer variety he could see, though it was a good distance away, was astounding.

But where was the dragon rider? Were these not the only ones? He had hoped to see their master for himself, but it would be utterly foolish to pass up the opportunity of what he'd found now. He'd shoot one down, hide and wait for the others to stop investigating and leave, and then drag his prize home. He'd kill them all, but most of them were unsurprisingly large, and he didn't wish to drag them back all at once.

With a widened grin from behind his hiding spot, he aimed his old hunting rifle up at the skies, aiming masterfully till he landed the sight on a short shouted blue and red one with what appeared to be a spike defended tail. His smile grew more, and his finger drifted around the trigger.

...until a steady whistling of air behind distracted him. He barely had time to turn around, seeing a shadow suddenly cast over him, before he was snatched right off the ground. It knocked the rifle right out of his hands, and he was carried straight up into the skies. With a sharp inhale, he summoned his magic to promptly incapacitate the creature that had him, but was interrupted when it carelessly flung him.

He fell a short distance, before a different dragon snagged him out of the air and brought him up again. Now, Alastor was not weak by any means... but the feeling of being thrown through the air and dropped like a rag doll was enough to make anyone sick. He was grateful when the one that had him now didn't try to throw him as well, breathing heavily as he dizzily attempted to recalibrate his sight. The world was spinning.

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