Chapter 24

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I walk into Ashton's garage completely oblivious to the crazy tornado I was about to get myself swept up in and if someone had mentioned it I probably would have stayed in bed the rest of the day.

"You told him!?" Ashton huffs as soon as I get inside. It takes me a minute to get what he's on about, still a little foggy from the morning and tired from my restless night.

"What? No."

"That isn't what he said," he sighs irritably.

"Well I didn't. I mean, I told him I knew but I didn't tell him who I heard it from," I frown.

"I'm the only one that knew about him staying there," Ashton all but shouts.

"You can't be angry with me, you didn't tell me that!"

"Yeah because you swore you weren't going to say anything!" he groans pointedly.

"And I didn't mean to! It just came out and then he got me angry and I blurted out the rest," I explain. "I'm sorry," My voice coming out smaller than I'd like because angry Ashton wasn't someone I ever wanted to know. I didn't even know he had an angry side to him.

He sighs a deep breath, deflating at my obvious sheepish tone. "No, I'm sorry. He just came over and yelled at me a bit, I'm just taking it out on you."

"As you should. I know I promised I wasn't going to tell and I swear I really didn't mean to," I manage to look up at him.

"It's okay. I'm sure he'll get over it when you forgive each other," he shrugs.

I nod but then, whoa, wait. "Forgive each other?"

"Well yeah, you guys are obviously going to forgive each other," he nods.

"And what exactly am I apologizing for?" My eyebrows pulling together.

"No- I don't, I don't know, Calum just made it seem.." he trails, the roles now reversed.

"Calum made it seem that what? I needed to apologize?" Ashton quickly analyzes my clear aggravation, eyes widening and head beginning to shake.

"No, no, no, that wasn't what I meant, that's not- that's not what he said," he stumpers.

"Okay, tell me what he did say," I cross my arms feeling that same irritation as last night starting up again.

"Nothing, no, Kot," he sighs as I start heading out of his garage one destination in mind.


By the time I'm home I've worked myself into a fume. Apologize? He's expecting an apology? I didn't even do anything wrong. Yeah, sorry I feel uncomfortable about you inviting the girl you used to fuck to parties and gigs, sorry I voiced that, sorry I'm upset you didn't tell me you were staying at said girl's house.

I all but stomp up to the boy sitting out in his backyard.

"You are unbelievable," I huff, standing in front of him. He clearly hadn't heard me come up because he looks a bit startled. When he looks settled enough, like I have his full attention I continue.

"You told Ashton I'd apologize? What could I possibly have to say sorry for? Sorry you asked what was bothering me? Sorry I actually told you? Sorry I'm not exactly comfortable with my boyfriend talking to a girl he used to have sex with?"

"Kota-" he sighs but I'm not finished or interested in hearing what he has to say yet.

"No, no, I know. I'm sorry my boyfriend felt the need to keep the fact that he was staying at a house with that same girl from me."

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