Chapter 23

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It's our first time ever being at one of Ashton's parties together. It's actually the first time we've even showed up together so it's a little strange. Nice, but strange. Calum's latched his hand to mine as soon as we got out of the car and hasn't let go since which was roughly about an hour ago but I wasn't complaining.

The party is well in full swing, was when we'd gotten here since Calum's actually the worst with getting anywhere lately. And maybe I wasn't exactly pushing it either but it's hard not to get lost in each other when we've wasted so much time being idiots.

I giggle at the ridiculous looking giants doing some weird, very unsteady, dancing with each other. They're all already pretty drunk, me being more buzzed if anything along with Kylie, deciding to pace ourselves.

"So, I take it you guys talked?" Kylie nudges my shoulder to get my attention. I pull my eyes away from the very entertaining sight to look over at her.

"Yeah, well, I mean we talked about Cal's little slip up but not like, not about when we'd actually get to that. I guess we'll get there when we get there," I shrug casually and she nods.

The thing is, I wish it was that simple. I wish I could say stuff like that so nonchalant and actually mean it. But this was a big deal. This was something I wasn't sure I was ready for with Calum because he's obviously had some experience with she-who-shall-not-be-named and the thing is I was a little worried he'd go back looking for more if I didn't accommodate those needs soon.

I'm not stupid. I know Calum would never do that and I also very much trust him but still apparently my mind wasn't quite getting that.


"Can I ask you something?" I swing my legs off the edge of Ashton's kitchen counter.

"You just did," Ashton giggles, filling up another bowl of junk.

"Ha ha," I deadpan, picking at the bowl he'd handed me to help with.

"Alright, what's your question," he chuckles, moving around the kitchen for various different  things. I'm not sure how exactly to ask this, or maybe it's just the alcohol in my veins making it a little more difficult than it really is.

"Why don't you guys like.. Emily?" The name tastes rotten on my tongue so I decide to clean it with some mixed concoction Michael had somehow convinced me to drink with him a few minutes ago. It's a little fruity and super strong, making me cough the first few sips but now it goes down with a smooth roughness.

"I don't know, she's just never really been a team player," Ashton shrugs, still busying himself around.

"What do you mean team player?" My eyebrows knit together.

"Like, she's been great with Calum don't get me wrong..." I inwardly roll my eyes at his words, Ashton apparently not getting the memo on what not to say to someone's girlfriend.

"But?" I hum instead of bothering with it.

"But that's just it, she never really stopped to talk to us or bothered putting in any effort with creating a friendship or even just acquaintances, it was just Calum," he makes a gesture straight forward with his hands that now look just a tiny bit blurry.

"Which is fine," he adds glancing at me. "It's not like they were dating but she could've been a little more friendly and a lot more civil," his eyebrows shooting up and eyes going wide with the memories.

"Aw, was she not nice to my little puppies?" I frown, the alcohol definitely starting to kick in.

"Don't let Mikey hear you," he calls back from the fridge.

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