Blast From The Past

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Charlie pointed over to the car and Hale followed her over there. She leaned a hip against the fender and dug in her pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one. She stared at him through the smoke before shaking her head.

"Are we stepping on jurisdictional toes here, David?"

David muttered under his breath as he took a step closer to her and spoke in a low tone. "I know for a fact that SAMCRO is involved with this somehow. I just have to be able to prove it."

Charlie nodded as she looked over David's shoulder to see that their conversation was being watched with interest. "I take it the gentlemen in leather are SAMCRO?"

David nodded. "The Sons Of Anarchy. I know they were storing guns here."

Charlie nodded. "Yep, I'd say someone was. There are bullet casings everywhere, but there's a problem hoss. Even if you have solid proof, this isn't our jurisdiction. We're going to get chewed out at the very least and I don't want to have to get pissy on my first day on the job, okay? Get in the damn car." 

When he opened his mouth to argue, she pointed at the passenger door. He muttered something under his breath and stomped over to get into the car. She sighed as she stubbed her cigarette out and walked back over to the sheriff.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."

The man grinned. "Deputy Trammel ma'am."

Charlie waved him off and winked. "Charlie is just fine, deputy. I'm sorry if we stuck our noses in where they didn't belong. I honestly didn't know, but I can hop down in there and check shit out for you if you want. I've got a field kit in my trunk."

Trammel grinned and shook his head. "That's okay, I have a forensics team on the way."

Charlie grinned and nodded before turning back to the car. "That works, my friend. I hope they hurry. This sun is a bitch and those bodies aren't getting any fresher."


The next day, Charlie sat a small stuffed pink unicorn on the corner of her desk and smiled. She didn't have a lot of things left from her childhood and teen years, but this was by far the most precious. She was setting a picture of her parents on the other corner when the Chief knocked on her door and walked in.

"Settling in okay?"

Charlie nodded as she sat back in her chair. "I am, thanks. What can I do for you, Chief?"

He motioned toward the door. "I thought you might want to take a ride with me, meet some people. I understand from Hale that you met a few of them yesterday."

Charlie perked up at the mention of the bikers. she jumped up out of her chair and grabbed her phone and sunglasses. "Yeah, totally. I could use some fresh air."

Once they were in her car and out of the lot, Wayne held up a joint. "Do you mind?"

She grinned and shook her head. "Nah, but can you roll the window down? Ten a.m. is a little early for a contact buzz."

He grinned as he did as she requested, then lit the joint. "It's for my cancer. I have a card."

Charlie chuckled. "Hey, you do you, man. So Hale seems to have a problem with... SAMCRO is it?"

Wayne nodded. "The Sons Of Anarchy, yeah. He doesn't like them. Blames them for Charming being the way it is."

Charlie frowned as he told her to turn. "What's wrong with Charming?"

Wayne shook his head. "Nothing if you ask me, but the Hales want progress and as long as SAMCRO is around, they won't get it."

Charlie sighed and nodded. "I got that feeling from Jacob when he interviewed me for the job. Kept asking if I was good with things moving forward instead of staying the same." She shook her head. "I'm telling you Chief, I have no interest in politics or the people who play it. I like to solve mysteries, that's all."

Wayne looked at her and chuckled. "Boy, you say exactly what's on your mind, don't you?"

Charlie winced and nodded. "Yeah, I really don't have a filter." She shrugged. "Hey, you find out who's on your side really quick that way."

Wayne nodded and grinned. "Boy, Gemma's gonna love you." He pointed to the left. "Turn in up here."

Charlie saw a sign that said Teller-Morrow Automotive as she turned into the lot of a garage and towing company. She parked where he directed her to and they got out of the car as it seemed that a veritable flood of leather came their way. She leaned against her car door as Wayne shook hands with the gray-haired man from the day before.

"Clay, I wanted to bring our newest person around and introduce her. Detective Charlie Bishop, Clay Morrow, the president of SAMCRO and the owner of this garage."

Clay grinned at her and she smiled back as he motioned behind him. "We met yesterday. Hey, Tig, look who's here."

Charlie glanced around Clay to see Tig with a frown on his face. "Hey Tigger, how're your balls?"

Tig grinned and shook his head. "Hanging to the left, sweetheart."

Charlie laughed as she heard a familiar voice from the back of the group. "Charlene?"

Charlie thought her face would split from the smile that was spreading there as she watched a very familiar tall bald man work his way through the small group of men. "Oh my god! Happy Lowman?"

As he split from the group with a matching smile on his own face, she broke into a run, barreling into his outstretched arms. She felt herself being lifted off the ground as he swung her around before setting her back on her feet. "Damn, little girl! Where you been?"

Charlie laughed as she looked up at her one-time best friend and first crush. "Alaska. Damn Lowman, it's been a minute."

As Happy smiled down at her, Clay cleared his throat. "Well, I guess we don't have to introduce the two of you, huh?"

Charlie grinned. "Nope. We've known each other since we were what?" She looked up at Happy. "Ten, twelve?"

Happy grinned. "We were ten, little girl." He turned to the group around them. "I kissed her on the playground and she punched me in the face."

A blond that she had seen yesterday laughed and nodded. "That explains a lot, actually."

Charlie laughed and grinned when Happy wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Suddenly, Charming felt a lot like home.

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