Really Though?

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Charlie parked her Charger and got out, seeing Happy and Tig walking her way from the garage. When they got closer, Happy grinned. "Couldn't wait until later, little girl?"

Charlie rolled her eyes as Tig snickered. "Yeah, cause I'm just that hot for your body, chief." She shook her head as she crossed her arms. "I'm looking for the boss man."

Clay spoke up from behind her, making her turn to see him, Chibs, and Jax. "I'm right here, Detective. What can I do for Charming's finest today?"

She nodded and stepped closer to him, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm not a big time waster, so let me get to the point. I need to know who deals in Charming."

Clay frowned as he copied her stance. She could feel Tig and Happy closing ranks behind her but she wasn't too concerned. Yet. "Are you accusing us of something, detective? Because if you are... "

Charlie sighed. "Look, I know you don't deal drugs. I have a pretty good idea what you are into, but I could give zero fucks about that shit right now. What I want to know is who deals or makes meth in Charming."

Clay looked at Jax who shook his head. "Wish we could help, darlin', but nobody deals in Charming. We keep it that way."

Charlie blew out a breath in aggravation before shoving a hand through her hair and taking a step closer to Jax. "Really? Because I have a sixteen-year-old girl laying on the slab right now from a bad batch of meth, with four more just like her in the cooler. Now, I'm not a rocket scientist, but I can add two and two and come up with four. Teenagers don't travel far for something they can get at home, so either someone slipped your radar, or you know something and just won't tell me." She took another step, bringing herself almost nose to chest with the blond, causing her to look up at him. "So which is it, sport?"

Jax looked at Clay, which made Charlie hit her boiling point. "Ya know what? Fuck it. I'll find out for myself. Shouldn't take too long, right? Hopefully, I can find them before another kid dies. Thanks so much for the help and cooperation, gentlemen."

She turned on her heels to go to the car when Clay grabbed her arm. "Hold on a minute. Look, there's a guy that could be producing. Earnest Darby."

Charlie grinned and winked at the man beside her. "Thank you. Where can I find Mr. Darby?"

Jax blew out a breath. "He's usually at The Hairy Dog, but if he isn't, he has a trailer out on County Line Road." When she nodded, he grinned, looking her up and down. "You're what, five foot two?"

Charlie chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, something like that, but the badge and gun add a couple of inches."

Clay nodded. "Well, why don't you take Happy and Tig with you? For backup?"

Charlie shook her head even as Happy and Tig nodded. "No, thanks though. I can handle it."

Clay shrugged and took a step closer as Charlie saw a pretty brunette walking their way. "Which side of the law do you fall on, sweetheart?"

Charlie frowned. "I'm not sure that I understand the question."

Clay grinned. "Well, there seems to be a line that some won't cross. I wonder if you're that kind, that's all."

Charlie looked down at her feet as she thought about how to answer his question. She had a feeling that he was talking about Hale and his Superman alter ego. "Well, Clay, I can tell you this much. I'm a detective, which means I solve riddles, mostly to do with dead bodies, drug dealers, and such. Now, as long as you aren't responsible for a dead body or drugs, we're good."

Clay looked at her for a moment before finally nodding and smiling down at her. "I like you, Charlie."

Charlie grinned and reached up to pinch his cheek. "And I like you too, Piglet." The only person that laughed was the brunette who had now joined them and was standing beside Jax. Charlie shook her head at the puzzled looks on the men's faces. "Seriously? Were none of you ever children?" She pointed at Tig. "Tigger." She pointed to Clay. "Piglet."

Jax chuckled as the other slowly started to get it. "Which one am I?"

Charlie grinned as she turned back to her car. "Pooh."

Happy spoke up as she opened her door. "Seven, little girl."

Charlie saluted him and winked. "Aye, aye, Eeyore."

As she pulled out of the lot, Clay pointed at a frowning Happy and a snickering Tig. "Give her a head start then follow her, just to be safe. I know she thinks that badge makes her bulletproof but it doesn't."

Tig and Happy both nodded before heading for their bikes. Gemma looked at her husband with a lifted brow. "So, what's the verdict?"

Clay shrugged. "I think we keep our shit out of Charming, and she doesn't bother us. She seems square." He looked at his wife and grinned. "Why don't you introduce yourself sometime? A new friend never hurts, right?"


Charlie walked into the Hairy Dog, coughing at the thick cigarette smoke that invaded her lungs. She randomly thought that maybe she should quit smoking as she looked around the dimly lit room. A couple of men were playing pool but stopped when they saw her walk in. She walked over, making sure that her badge was on display as she smiled at them.

"Hello there! I'm looking for Ernest Darby. You wouldn't know where I could find him, would you?"

She heard a throat clear from behind her. "I'm right here, sweetheart. What can I do for you?" When Charlie turned to face him, he whistled and leered at her. "Damn, when did they start making cops that look like you?"

Charlie plastered a fake smile on her face and looked down shyly. "Oh, thank you for the compliment." She stepped closer to him, letting her hand rest on his chest, although she would have rather not been close enough to him to touch. "I need to know what you know about the drug trade here in Charming. Wanna talk here or at the station? Which works for you... sweetheart?"

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