Bad Company

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The Next Day

Happy was still sitting beside Charlie's bed when the door opened and Piney walked in. He nodded to Charlie.

"Still hasn't woken up?"

Happy shook his head. "Nah. They said she woke up in recovery for a few minutes, but they have her on some pretty heavy meds. Might be a couple of days."

Piney sighed and nodded. "Well, the boys need to speak to you outside. I'll sit with her until Gem gets here."

Happy looked at the older man and shook his head. "I told them I wasn't leaving her until she woke up."

Piney eyed him as he stood at the foot of Charlie's bed. "You're gonna wanna talk to them, son. It's important." He grinned at Happy. "Besides, you need to eat something, take a shower. Don't worry, she won't be alone." He pointed at the door. "Go handle your business, Hap."

Piney watched as Happy stood and stretched before leaning over to kiss Charlie on the forehead. He murmured something in her ear before standing up, nodding to Piney before walking to the door. "Make sure someone calls me the minute she wakes up."

Piney nodded before walking to the chair and slumping into it, shaking his head as he looked at the sleeping woman beside him. He sighed as he reached out and touched her hand. "We haven't met yet, but I'm Piney, sweetheart. I doubt that you can hear me but I need to tell you something." He paused to squeeze her hand. "I'm the reason that you're in here." He shook his head. "I didn't pull the damn trigger, but I put the gun in his hand. I believed them when they said they wanted the guns for war games. I shouldn't have, and that's on me, but I'm gonna make it right."

The door opened and Gemma walked in, nodding to Piney. "How is she?"

Piney shook his head. "No change. Hap says it should be anytime now. You're to call him if she wakes up."

Gemma nodded as Piney stood up and leaned over the bed. "Will do."

Piney nodded before whispering in Charlie's ear. "I'm gonna make this right, sweetheart."


As Happy stepped out into the warm sunshine, he saw Tig, Chibs, and Jax waiting by their bikes. He walked over and nodded as he took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one. "What's so important that I had to leave Charlie?"

Jax nodded as he lit his own cigarette. "Trammel got us an address for the shooter. We have a two-hour window before the sheriff's department goes after him. That's as much time as he could buy us. Tig and Chibs are with you and I'm with Ope and Piney to take care of the militia." He shook his head. "Assholes were stupid enough to call again, wanting more guns. Piney told them we'd be happy to oblige."

Happy nodded as he took another hit from his cigarette before throwing it down and stomping on it with one huge boot. "Blowback?"

Jax shook his head. "Minimal. All the cops have is a phone call made by Piney to an old war buddy."

Tig spoke up from beside Happy. "Half-Sack is meeting us with the van. Thought we'd wanna handle this privately."

Happy nodded as he put on his sunglasses. "Let's go make sure this fucker's last day on earth is a bad one."


Two hours later, Happy was drying off from a quick shower at the cabin while Tig and Half-Sack took care of cleaning up the shed. He felt more relaxed than he had since Charlie was shot. He was just pulling a clean t-shirt over his head when someone knocked on the bathroom door. He heard Chibs yell through the wood.

"Gem just called. Charlie's awake."

Happy opened the door with a smile, making Chibs chuckle. "You guys okay with finishing up here?"

Chibs nodded. "Aye. Go take care of yer lass, brother."


Happy walked into Charlie's room an hour later to hear her telling the doctor beside the bed what he could do with his pain meds. Gemma was trying not to laugh as Happy frowned at Charlie and shook his head.

"Take the pain meds, little girl. You were shot three times, for fuck's sake."

He saw Charlie roll her eyes and he hid the smile that wanted to come out. If this was any indication, his old lady was on the mend. "I don't want them, and I was shot five times, thanks."

Happy just looked at her. "Only three count, Charlie. Take your meds."

She growled and took the pills from the doctor and quickly swallowed them. "There. Happy?"

He nodded. "Thrilled."

Charlie glared at him. "Well, I'm not. They make me loopy."

Happy shrugged as he walked over and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. "That's no different than normal." He looked at the doctor. "How's she doing besides being grumpy?"

The doctor grinned and nodded. "Well, she is that, but I suppose she has a right to be. We managed to repair all of her injuries. She won't be able to move around a lot for a while until her leg heals and she probably will have limited movement with her shoulder for longer than that, but all in all, I'd say she's very lucky to be here."

Charlie nodded as she grinned. "I second that." She frowned a little. "How long do I have to be here?"

Doctor shrugged. "It all depends on your recovery rate, physical therapy and how well you behave yourself. Also, once you're released, you'll need to have someone with you at home."

Happy nodded. "That won't be a problem."

The doctor smiled and nodded. "In that case, just behave yourself and do what we tell you, and you'll be out of here in no time."

Charlie nodded as he walked to the door and left, leaving Happy and Gemma with Charlie. Gemma leaned over and kissed her on the forehead before grabbing her bag from the chair. "Since Happy's back, I'll go check on Abel before heading home. Want me to bring you some dinner later?" When Charlie nodded, she patted her on the hand and grinned. "I'll bring enough for two."

Charlie just grinned as the older woman walked out, leaving Happy to flop down in the chair beside her. "So I guess that means you're staying?"

Happy grinned and nodded. "Yup. You're not getting rid of me, little girl."

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