Home Sweet Home

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Happy stood in the doorway leading into the kitchen and watched Charlie bustle around fixing dinner. They'd stayed in bed all day and she'd kept her promise to trace every tattoo he had. Because of that, they were both starving so she was fixing a couple of sandwiches. As far as he was concerned, he just needed fuel to continue reuniting with the body he'd missed so much all of these years. He was startled out of his thoughts when she chuckled.

"I can hear you thinking all the way over here, Hap. What's on your mind?"

He stepped fully into the small room, wrapping his arms around her from behind and laying his head on her shoulder. "You. Always you." He kissed her neck as she sank back into his embrace. "I've been thinking about your job situation. There's a police academy in Oakland. Why don't you apply there to be an instructor? You don't have to be able to do it to teach it."

Charlie nodded as she turned in his arms and looked up at him with a grin. "That's true, and certainly something I can look into, but I've been thinking about it too. What about a private investigator or a security company?"

Happy quirked a brow as he considered what she had just said. "Working for or owning?"

Charlie grinned. "Owning. I know you wouldn't be too thrilled at me working for something like that."

Happy shrugged as he let go of her. "It's not that, babe. I just don't like the idea of you putting yourself in danger on purpose. Owning wouldn't be bad though. You could hire the right people to help you."

Charlie nodded as she went back to making dinner. "Exactly what I thought. I mean, we haven't talked about the future and I don't want to push at you with that, but... "

Happy grinned as he leaned against the counter beside her. "You're not pushing, Charlie. If you're asking me where I see us going, then I'll tell you. I'm going to marry you, probably have a couple of kids before we're too old to enjoy them." He shrugged. "Maybe a dog. No cats though. Sneaky little fuckers."

Charlie snickered and shook her head. "If that was a proposal, it sucked, even for you."

Happy chuckled. "It wasn't, I was just answering your unspoken question."

Charlie nodded as she stepped in front of him to wrap her arms around his waist and snuggle into his chest. "Look at us, being all adult and shit."

Happy smirked as he leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Who would have seen that coming?"


Three Years Later

Charlie looked up from the surveillance footage she was watching when her assistant Jimmy walked into her office. He shook his head as he reached over and hit a button on her computer, stopping the video.

"You're late and I don't want to deal with Happy again. Go."

Charlie looked at the clock on her phone and cursed as she jumped up and grabbed her bag. "I lost all track of time! Shit!" She looked around as Jimmy grinned. "The baby? Where's the baby? I did come in with one this morning, didn't I?"

Jimmy snickered and shook his head. "Gemma picked Joey up about two hours ago. Where is your head today?"

Charlie groaned and rubbed her ever-growing stomach and shook her head. "It's baby brain, I swear to God. I completely forgot that she picked him up. I even had a conversation with her!" Jimmy pointed toward the door and made a shooing motion as she slapped her forehead. "Shit! I was leaving! Okay, make sure that Julio reviews that footage from last night and leaves his report on my desk."

As Jimmy nodded, Charlie hurried to the door and out to the black Tahoe parked in front. She climbed in awkwardly and fastened her seat belt before taking a calming breath. She patted her stomach with a grin as she backed out of her spot and pulled onto the road. As she drove through the main part of town on her way to TM, she thought about how they had gotten here. 

With a small loan from Clay and Gemma, she had been able to start a private security firm there in Charming. Six months after that, she and Happy had been married and five months later, they had welcomed their son Joseph into the world. Now, they were impatiently waiting for baby number two, which was going to be a girl. She was actually late for their baby shower that the club was throwing for them at the clubhouse.

When she pulled onto the lot and parked, she saw Joey jump from Happy's arms and run her way, laughing as his father chased after him. She opened the door and caught him as he threw himself at her legs.

"Whoa, sport! Where's the fire?"

"Daddy's gonna get me!"

Charlie laughed as Joey literally climbed up her legs and glued himself to her side. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time, now would it?" She grinned as Happy stopped in front of her, mock glaring at their little boy. "Hey, handsome."

Happy grinned and leaned in for a kiss as he tickled Joey. "Hey, beautiful. You're late."

Charlie rolled her eyes and nodded. "I know, I know. Blame the baby."

Happy snorted and shook his head as he took Joey from her. "Come here, little man. Mommy's carrying enough weight."

Charlie stared at his back as he walked off and Gemma joined her. "Did you just call me fat?" She looked at a laughing Gemma and shook her head. "He just called me fat!" She looked back at Happy's back. "That's it! You're cut off!'

Happy turned and winked at her before turning back toward the clubhouse. "You should probably threaten me with something you can back up, babe. Come on, there's watermelon and chocolate ice cream with your name on it."

She grinned at Gemma and linked her arm through hers as they followed behind the enforcer and their toddler. "He's lucky he's pretty."


This is the end of Happy and Charlie's story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

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