I am in love with you Too

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I looked over to Stefani after seeing the flashing lights and instantly realized that we were in a hospital parking lot and the shirt she was wearing was easy for anybody to see the mini bump.

Stefani's hands were covering her face when I turned back to look at Lea. Thank god she was still asleep. I put the car in reverse and started to back out. Within seconds hundreds of people were sounding our car and Stefani was starting to cry.

"Awh Stef it's okay" I put an arm over her lap

She removed one of her hands from her face and placed it over my hand grabbing it tightly.

I pulled out successfully and started to drive off. Stefani's phone was vibrating like crazy from all the social networking posts.





Stefani let go of my hand and shut off her phone. She was now quieter then she was in the car ride here.

"I think we need to publicly announce your split between Irina and state that I was just helping you with Lea at her pediatrician's appointment," she said softly

"I guess that would work.. wait no it won't" I grabbed at my short beard


"They saw us kissing"

"Oh, shit"

"Yeah" my hand moved from my face to tightly grab the steering wheel

"Do you think they saw baby girl?"

"Lea or.. infant"

"Infant" she mumbled

"Probably, but it could be a million things"

"Yeah I guess so" she looked out the window "Let's just say the kiss accidentally happened"

"We were kissing for quite a while, Stef" I turned onto the highway

"Right" she grabbed her temples "Let's just start with the Irina issue"


When we got home I took Lea up to her room and I called Irina to tell her what was going to happen. I then contacted my manager and told him to email many public news lines and tell them exactly what Stefani told me.

Neither Stefani or I was ready to be out in the open about me being "single" and ready to get picked apart for everything we do together, but it was our only choice towards protecting this baby.

When I left Stef and I's room and headed downstairs I found Stefani with her shirt up just above her lower ribs standing in front of the mirror looking at the forming baby belly.

"It's so precious" she made eye contact with me through the hallway mirror

"Yeah it.. she is"

The Woman Dividing |GagaxCooperWhere stories live. Discover now