But Then You Saved Me

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Unlike what Thomas had expected, the FBI base was not all white, unlike the W.C.K.D facility they had been in before the Scorch.

The halls were empty, besides the occasional person, because it was the middle of the day and most people were out or working or in their offices typing reports.

But when someone did see him, Thomas felt embarrassed and ashamed. They were being walked with men walking with them at all angles. Like they were kids who couldn't take care of themselves.

Or dangerous criminals.

Thomas hated it. He hated how they were yet again thrown into a world that may contain potential but it was something that they were forced into. That they had no say in it.  He hated that adults could say this and say that and the kids would have to do what they wanted.

But if he continued to hate those things, he would spend half his life in fury. He had better things to do than that. Like staying alive.

When they were in the Glade, or in paradise, Thomas was surrounded by his equals, people who have gone through what he has, people who understood him. He was comfortable around those people and completely trusted them.

Here, things were different. Even if there were older people around him, Thomas felt as if he was older than them, by years—or even decades.

All of them have seen things way beyond their years. They were kids who grew up too fast or in Jorge's case, a man with too many burdens. They've seen death, carnage, gore... Shuck, they've even killed before!

So, so many times...

Thomas bet that most of the people around here had never actually been in a situation where they've had to use a gun to shoot an enemy, even if it wasn't a fatal shot. God, have most of them even ever been on the field?

Thomas couldn't help but feel jealous. These people actually had the chance to grow up, they went to school—normal school, and grew up in a non-jacked up environment. Those were things Thomas could only wish he had the chance to do.

But surrounded by his family, his true family, he couldn't imagine a different life. Sure, he could have grown up with normal parents and normal friends but he would become stir crazy with nothing wrong in his life.

Plus, there was no way of that happening. His dad was the Sherriff, his mom died, and his friends supernatural.

Everyone knew that the words 'Thomas' and 'normal' didn't go in the same sentence unless there was a 'can never be' between them.

But without his shucked up life, he would have never met his true family. Minho. Aris. Jorge. Brenda. Frypan. Sonya. Harriet. Maybe —and just maybe—Gally. Vince. The remaining girls of Group B. The Munies.

And Newt.

Newt. The guy—no, the angel who stayed by Thomas's side no matter what. With his beautiful hair and signature accent, Thomas couldn't remember a time where Newt had hated him or wanted him dead. Aside from the time Newt nearly turned into a crank.

"You have to kill me!" Newt begged, " I don't want to turn into one of them and hurt you! Tommy, pl—please!" His voice broke near the end.

Thomas shook his head, trying to drag Newt to safety, away from the riot breaking into The Last City. "I can't do that Newt. I can't."

Newt suddenly growled, his eyes narrowing. He suddenly lunged at Thomas, black substance flying from his mouth. Thomas jumped back in surprise, even if he was expecting it. Thomas tackled the British boy, quickly pinning Newt's hands above his head with one hand and held his legs down with the other, making sure to avoid Newt's snapping jaws.

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