What's Your Name?

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You were finally released from under nurses care, only problem was you really didn't remember who Shiemi was completely and had nowhere to go at the moment. Oddly enough you only remembered at route to your dormitory and looked up upon the window you had jumped out of. People inside were cleaning up the burnt room and others talking off to the side about what could've been that caused the flames. You really never thought about that before. How did the room catch on fire? Who did it or what caused it? While pondering these thoughts, you felt an arm snake around your waist. Looking up, you see the familiar face that you met at the hospital. To add on to your thoughts, you realized you never asked his name. Before you turned to ask him, he gave you a small kiss on your forehead.

"Do you remember what happened?" He said, looking in your eyes with concern. A sigh escaped your lips as you recalled those moments of panic and fear all too well.

"I do." You said, voice wavering slightly. Why did that happen, especially to you? You don't remember doing anything wrong- you didn't remember anything actually.

"But thing is" You continued, "I don't remember anything else. I feel like I'm missing something important, and no matter how hard I try, I just can't remember." Soon enough you heard the sky roar, feeling something wet touch upon your cheeks. Soon enough it started pouring, water droplets mixing with salty ones.

"Hey" He said in a comforting tone, "Don't cry, I'm right here. Come'on, let's go to my place to get out of this rain." You simply nodded in agreement, him taking your hand and leading you to his car. The car ride to his place was filled with silence as outside the car rain was harshly hitting upon it. Once he parked, he sighed as he noticed how much it was pouring. "I'ma go unlock the door so you could just run right in to get out of the rain quicker, alright?" He turned to you as you again nodded in agreement. When he went out of the car, you watched him go to his door, and then your eyes had widened slightly as you saw the rest of his place and felt pain upon your finger.

This place looked familiar to you. You swore you saw it before, and just couldn't remember.

You were snapped out of your thoughts as a figure was waving for you to go inside the house. Coming out the car, the rain was unforgiving as you felt your clothes getting soaked already. Running to the door, you felt your finger throb in pain. "Seriously. What's up with it lately?" You thought to yourself as you felt warmth consume your cold skin. Once inside, he had closed the door behind you and mentally smirked to himself.

He sighed. "Your clothes are soaked. You should take a shower, I don't want you to get sick." He said while leading you to a bathroom. He left you for a few seconds as he came back with a change of clothes for you. "You have clothes for me here?" You asked, debating if it was creepy or something you just didn't remember. "Well I knew you had nowhere to go for a while, so I asked Shiemi to help me get some new clothes for you. Hope it doesn't seem too creepy" He lightly laughed. Honestly, it still was pretty creepy. But you just kept the thought to yourself as you nodded and went on to shower taking the new change of clothes.

When you went into the shower, you took a closer look at your body. You gasped as you saw marks upon your skin, huge bruises and cuts here and there. There was no way the burning room caused these, for some of the marks were too out of reach for you to have accidentally done. Once done in the shower and changed into the new clothes, you went on out looking for him. You saw a door in the hallway that somehow drawn you to walk towards it. Reaching for the handle,you were startled as a hand had harshly grabbed your shoulder and pulled you to turn around.

"Don't go in that room!" He yelled, dangerously close to your face. Your eyes widened at the sudden raised tone in his voice and at the new pain throbbing in your shoulder. Once he saw your eyes widen, he quickly let go and backed away. "L-look..I'm sorry. Just don't go in that room, Okay?" He said looking at the clear ring upon your finger, mentally cursing himself. Again you only nodded in agreement, looking down at the ground.

Suddenly he got close to you again, and before you could ask what was he doing, he closed the gap between the two of you. Your eyes didn't close and only got bigger as you realized what he was doing. The throbbing on your finger became unbearable as you tried pushing him off of you. He pulled away, noticing you holding your finger in pain. "Dammit" He thought. "What was that for?" You asked, still having a tight grip on your finger.

"I can't give my girlfriend a kiss?"




You realized how quickly you responded, a slight sense of bravery forming as you were able to speak for yourself ever since you woke up.

"By the way" You asked. "What's your name? You never told me, and I think even I should know the name of my boyfriend."

A growl formed in his chest, soon enough just sighing after.


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