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The sun was long gone as you took a glance outside the bedroom window. While looking out the window, you started thinking about what had happened since you woke up. Apparently your dorm room was on fire, have a friend name Shiemi, and a boyfriend named Katsu. But wait, why did your room burn down? Why can't you remember anything before that?

"Oi, (y/n). It's time for bed, you could sleep with me" He said as he hugged you from behind,

"or you could sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the floor. It's up to you, but I thin-"

"That's fine, I'll sleep by myself on the bed." You told him rather quickly, cutting him off. Again, where did this sudden boost of confidence come from?

"Oh, alright then." Katsu says as he prepares himself a bed on the floor. "Can't lose her now" He says to himself.

As you got into bed, you quickly began to fall asleep. So much had happened, you didn't realize how great it felt to be on a bed again, under the blankets on a cold stormy day. As soon as you drifted to sleep, you were consumed into darkness.


The weight of the world was on your chest as you slowly opened your eyes. You awaken in a dimly-lighted room, pain engulfing your body as you sit up. You feel yourself sweating and when you wiped your forehead, blood became in your vision. You take a closer look at yourself and notice your clothes are ripped, stained with dried and fresh blood. 'How the hell am I not dead in this condition? ' You asked yourself. It seemed almost as if someone was trying to keep you hidden away. But soon enough, your head starts throbbing as flashbacks come into view into your (e/c) orbs.

"I won't be gone for too long."

"But what if he-"

"You have the ring, I'll know whatever happens to you." He glanced at you as he noticed you still seemed worried. "But if you want, I could turn you."

"I-Into a demon..?" You said nervously. You never really thought about it, but he was right. If he turned you into a demon, you wouldn't ever have to worry about 'him' harming you again. You'd never have to worry about dying either, you'd live eternity with Amaimon and never have to worry about losing him.

"Yes. Besides, I am the King of your heart, am I not? Why not become the Queen of mine" He said, being extremely interested in the idea that he could have you in his arms forever, the Queen of Earth.

"Will it hurt?" You asked, curious since you didn't really know how a human becomes a demon.

"Yhea." He says calmly. He's seen it before, a human strapped down on their stomach tightly as a demon presses a metal with blue flames into the back. He's heard the wails and screams of misery as demons just randomly claimed humans as their own. But his case was different, he had to do it to the only person he's ever really cared for. He wasn't sure how he'd handle your cries of pain and agony as your flesh crawled and burned throughout your body.

You felt your head throb in pain again as another flashback came into vision.

It was dark, and you felt cold shackles almost on every part of your body. You weren't scared where you were, you knew what was going on. But your heart started racing as you only saw the shadows of a flame that illuminated the dark room with a blue hue. Then almost in a blink of an eye, you felt a scorching sensation course through your body, sobbing at the sudden contact with your skin.

As the pain became unbearable, you started to black out.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n)." You heard being whispered as the world around you became completely dark once again.


You woke up, gasping for air as if your body was still trying to withstand pain that wasn't there. Panting, you turned to the nightstand by the bed that read it was 8 in the morning.

After calming down, you thought back on the dream. Or nightmare, rather. What was that all about? Most importantly, who's Amaimon? Why did that 'guy' put you in shackles and why weren't you scared? All you had were questions flooding your mind.

~~~~Same time, back to da meeting~~~~

"And?" Amaimon said, quite bored still.

"And? AND? Are you not aware of the dangers that are ahead of her now? There aren't many female demons, and her being young as well could cause some type of commotion with other very unwanted demons attempting to get past the barrier into the school." Igor said, practically yelling at Amaimon.

He indeed was aware of the situations that would arise from a new female demon. His brothers would attempt to mate with her and claim her as their own.

"Ahh but you see, she is currently not at True Cross at the moment~" Mephisto said as he was leaning back in his seat. "You see, she's outside the barrier of True Cross as we speak. Now, the sooner we could go, the sooner we could return her~" He smirked wickedly at Igor, since he knew he'd most likely get his way.

Amaimon stopped chewing on the taffy he currently placed in his mouth.

"Where is she?" Amaimon glared at his brother, for he was unaware where his Queen was at.

Before Mephisto could speak, Igor cut in and slammed his hands in the large table before them, "Are you telling me HE got a hold of her?! Great. The two main problems put all in one case." He huffed as he waited for a response from the Headmaster.

"Who is He?" Amaimon growled, "I don't like being ignored!" He yelled as no one gave him a quick answer.

Igor turns to look at Amaimon straight in the eyes, "Adramelech. He found a way to have constant access inside True Cross. It's beyond likely he has a hold of (y/n)."

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