Dreams 2

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Katsu had heard you stir in his bed and sat up from the floor to look. He saw you sitting up, thinking deeply about something that probably had woken you up.

"Hey, (y/n), are you alright?" He asked in a groggy voice as he rubbed his eyes.

"I had a dream about talking to this guy..and it wasn't you. But he looked so familiar." You said, trailing off the last part but enough for him to hear.

"What did he look like?" He questioned, getting up to sit on the bed next to you.

"He had green hair, with a cute spike on top. His face looked neutral and bored, but he held his emotions through his eyes. He also seemed to have known me well.." Trailing off again in your thoughts, you didn't see Katsu's face twitch as the words you said that unconsciously complemented the green haired demon. He then started growling, he would've swore you would forget everything. Forgetting how loud his growl was, you turned to look at him slightly surprised.

"Are you growling, Katsu?" you asked, slightly concerned if he was part dog or something.

Realizing the noise he was making, he quickly stopped and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"N-n-no! You just must be so tired still that you're hearing such things." He awkwardly said, hoping you'd somehow buy it. And being as tired as you were, you did. You simply nodded and laid back down, closing your eyes and drifting back to sleep suddenly again. You were too tired to scoot away from Katsu as he proceeded to lay in bed with you as well.


"Get the HELL away from me! I don't want you! Can't you get that through your airhead brain of yours?!"

"Oh babe, don't be thay way. It's not nice to be so cruel you know."

"I don't care! Just get away from me."

"I noticed your boyfriend isn't around. Darling who'll save you now?" A hand grabbed your chin roughly, soon enough feeling it heat up.

"I can take care of myself" Turning away from the hand, you stepped back and was ready to defend whatever came your way.

"Being brave now, aren't we?" Soon enough the room lighted up, casting 2 long shadows to appear against the wooden walls. One showing what seemed to be a silhouette of you, plus a tail being shown coming from your lower back. The other silhouette showed flickering flames, long horns from the sides of the head, along with a demon tail as well.

"Ahh, so I see he's claimed you already. What a selfish guy indeed, not sharing what was mine in the first place. Let's dance, shall we?"

All that was heard for an hour was the sound of blood splattering, skin being torn open, and flames that soon spread throughout the wooden room. A body hit the floor with a thud, as well as a low chuckle.

"I guess things work out perfectly when the plan goes accordingly. Oh darling, you have so much to learn. Such a shame you won't remember. Trust me, I'll make sure you won't." 

And with that, as your eyes started to close, you saw him step closer to you and his shadow moving on its own, taking you into complete darkness.

You woke up in the same place where you had your previous dream. Confused, you got up as slowly as you could as the pain recognized from before came back into your body. You cautiously opened the  door in front of you, not aware of what could be on the other side waiting. In front of you was a table, next to it a smaller once with bizarre gadgets on it. A single light from a ceiling fan only had shined on the 2 tables, making the rest of the room hidden in the darkness. Suddenly you felt a shove from behind and stumbled near the table, yelping in pain from the physical contact.

Out of the darkness, a low chuckle was heard behind you.

"Don't worry, you won't feel a thing"

The figure behind you forced you upon the table on your stomach, straddling above you as they quickly inserted a needle in your back. Being in pain, it was hard to react quickly and push the figure off of you. Once the needle left your back, you felt some parts of your (new) body go numb.

"What the hell did you put into me?!" You croaked, being in enough pain as it is.

"That's something for me to know, and for you to never find out"

Before the familiar darkness soon surrounded you again, you turned your head to attempt to see the face of your attacker. From the corner of your eye, you look upon the attackers face. He looked down at you, smiling in victory as it seemed.

I've seen this face before

"You'll be mine to have once more"

Was all you heard as the dream started to end.


You opened your eyes again, hoping you wouldn't be met with more pain or a strange room. As the sleep in your eyes was fading, you noticed the familiar bed you had fallen asleep in.

"Was that really all a dream?" You silently asked yourself.

Being deep in thought, you were startled when you heard breathing behind you, relatively close to your ear. Turning around, you noticed Katsu sleeping soundly as he hugged you from behind.

Looking again, you noticed the wasn't only just sleeping, he was also smiling.

"Wait a minute" You thought to yourself.

That smile.

(A/N: This part was really just more slight background information. Sorry it was so short, the next one will be longer, guaranteed! Thanks for reading this far reader, Love you ♡)

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