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"I never trusted that bastard from the start" Amaimon said to himself as he rushed with his brother back to True Cross. The meeting was over, and the mission to make sure Adramelech won't have any chance of access back into True Cross was finalized. And the second Amaimon heard the fire-demons name, he regretted ever leaving you behind, wishing he refused to go to the meeting that he was dragged into with Mephisto.

Amaimon ran to your dorm, and when it came into sight he stopped in his tracks. There was people coming in and out of the dormitory, taking out burnt items along with them, to what seemed to a garbage disposal.

"What happened..Where is she...Don't tell me he-"

"I think it's time to find her and catch the pest as well. Don't you think so, Amaimon?~" Mephisto said cutting off Amaimon.



You thought.

"This can't be the same guy in my dream. I mean, he doesn't have horns or fire coming out of him right now. Right?"


You heard your name being called, and turned around to only have Katsu's face close to yours.


"Stay away from the one with the green hair"

He said bluntly, which caused you only to nod in agreement. You then felt him pull your body closer to his, feeling his chest against your back. "I don't like how this feels" You said to yourself as you slowly started scooting away, not enjoying the closeness from him.

"You're mine, and don't believe what anyone else tells you. They're people who are going to try to take you away from me. Do you understand?" He said moving his lips onto your neck, lightly grazing his teeth against the soft skin. Suddenly he bit it, enough for you to feel a sharp pain in both your neck and your finger. Before you could protest, he had already left the now purple and blue marking on your neck that was starting to slightly bleed. He noticed and licked it away, making you get goosebumps and another pain shot through the veins in your finger once more.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the front door of the house. Katsu sighed and whispered in your ear, "Don't move from where I'm about to put you. Got it?" He picked you up quickly and headed towards the door he didn't allow you in earlier. He put you down and slightly shoved you in, then closing the door behind you right after.

Before you was the table from your dream. The tools, the light, everything. Your head started to throb in such an extreme pain, you fell to your knees hissing through clenched teeth.

"Where did they go? How is it even possi-"

"You're numb. I knew where to put the needle in your back, to target areas such as your tail and growing dark claws."

"Either way it'll wear off eventually!"

"Sorry darling, but trust me. I'll always find a way for you to forget."

"Forget? How could I possibly forget this?!"

"Because not only what I put in you was for your tail and claws, but your memory as well."

"You wouldn't da-"

"Oh, but I already have"

He takes out a larger needle than the previous ones, and proceeds to put it on a different spot on your back.

"Trust me, you won't remember a thing."

Eyes widened with tears, you kept asking over and over mentally "That couldn't have been me, I don't remember a thing, maybe it's just somebody else's dream," You looked at the finger that has been causing you pain since you first met Katsu. "But then, why does it hurt?"

Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud thump on the door you came through.

The door then slammed open, a green haired demon looking frantically in the dim lighted room. His eyes then met your watery ones, both of your eyes at the same widening. He looked like the same one from your dreams, but with some difference. As soon as he slowly came to you, you backed up into the far corner of the room.

"Didn't Katsu tell me I was wanted to be taken away" You said to yourself in a whisper, but enough for Amaimon to hear. Before he was able to open his mouth, he turned his head quickly and started fighting with...a ball of fire?

Looking closer, you noticed a tail and horns, simular to the one in your dream as well. But now seeing a full face, your vision became blurred as warm silent tears caressed your cheeks.

"This is too much this is too much" Your head rang over and over again. Noticing your sobbing and shaking form, Amaimon lost it. All you remembered was hearing dimmed yelling, the crack of bones and rip of flesh that soon was followed a yell.


You cringed as you woke up to bright light, and pain in your head and lower spine. Groaning, you attempted to sit up, but a hand had pulled you back down.


Before you could start your sentence, you looked up and saw Amaimon.

In tears.

"Remember me, (y/n). Remember me, please."

And suddenly a pair of longing lips had met yours, hands softly holding your face as if you were made of glass. Before you wanted to pull away from the sudden action, it all came back to you.

The transformation, the fight between Katsu and you, the needles, the dreams and how you forgot, everything. And your precious King of Earth.

"A-Amaimon..?" You studdered as you pulled away from his lips.

"The Queen of My Heart" He said looking at you in the eyes.

"Amaimon!" You sobbed through happy tears as you sat up quickly to embrace him. "I'm so sorry I didn't remember for a while" You said still clutching onto him. He returned the embrace and kissed your head over and over. "Forgive my Queen, I should have never left you behind. Forgive me?" He asked, trying to stop his tears. It was extremely rare for him to cry, to even show any type of emotion for that matter. But right now it didn't matter, he had you again in his arms, planning on never (literally) leaving you alone again.

"I forg-" Your eyes widened with realization as you remembered you were a demon now. But why don't you feel or look any different?

"Amaimon, why don't I look nor feel like a demon? Don't I need to have a tail and pointed ears at the very least?" You said frantically as you looked at him with worry.

"You do have them, you just can't control them yet" He growls. "Not until the damn stuff wears off in your body." "Ahh, the stuff Katsu put in me. I see."

Casually, Amaimon lifted up your infirmary gown, causing you to blush and pull back down the gown.

"Hey! What's that for?!" You asked with a red face.

"Your tail was wrapped around you the whole time, you just weren't able to feel it there at all for a while."

You slightly pulled up the gown from the collar and looked down on your waist.

He wasn't kidding.

Before you under the gown was a (f/c) tail wrapped around your waist. You then touched your ears, following its outline and noticing the pointed top. You guessed your darkened claws came out when you were in your true form by this point.

"If I'm half human and demon, can't I still die? What if'-" Amaimon put his index finger against your mouth, shushing you from anymore 'what ifs'.

"Don't worry, (y/n). I won't let anyone touch what's mine. You don't have to worry anymore." Amaimon whispers as he rubs the ring upon your finger.

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