2 | album title

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"What's the title of that song?" Donghyuck asked. Mark looked up at him and shrugged.

"What's the theme of your album?" Mark asked back.

"I don't know. I always do soft, ballad songs," Donghyuck says.

"So maybe we can switch it up. This song I wrote clearly has a rap. When I was writing the lyrics, I was thinking of an upbeat type of song," Mark said. He had finally calmed down and stopped fanboying.

"I know! The album title can be called 'New You'. What do you think?" Donghyuck asked Mark a bit shy.

"I like it," Mark smiled.

"Now for this song. I think it should the title track but what's the title of the song," Donghyuck asked.

"I don't think song should be the title track song," Mark said he looked at Donghyuck with a serious face.

"You don't?" Donghyuck said a little disappointed. Which hurt Mark's heart.

"Did I just make him sad?! Mark Lee you are so stupid sometimes!" Mark thought to himself.

"It's a good song. It's just I know there could be a better song that this one," Mark said. Donghyuck nodded his head.

"I'm calling this song Comeback. If that's fine with you," Donghyuck said while rubbing his nape.

"Perfect!" Mark said with a big smile on his face. Donghyuck looked up and smiled at him. That smile made Mark blush a bit.

"Mark. Donghyuck. Sorry to intrude but Donghyuck here has to go for a fan meeting," Donghyuck's manager said. Mark nodded his head.

"Bye Mark! It was nice meeting you and getting to work on my new album," Donghyuck said with a smile as he got up and followed his manager.

Mark only waved back. He decided to work on some new lyrics.

"This title track has to be perfect for Donghyuck. I can't let his fans down and I can't let him down either," Mark said to himself.


"This is impossible! I'll have to give up for today," Mark said as he stared at his notebook.

He had only written down 2 lines worth of lyrics.

Nanananana~ Nanananan Just feel it

I always feel up when I open my eyes in the moonlight

"The lyrics aren't even about him or how he feels. This is how I feel," Mark said he re-reads the 2 lines.

Mark got up and packed his stuff and walked out the room. He left the building and headed to his apartment.

Mark's phone started to ring and he looked at the caller. It was Johnny.

"What's up," Mark said.

"Dude! You will not believe it! I'm finally gonna debut!" Johnny said with an excited voice. Mark stood there on the street shocked.

"You're finally gonna debut!" Mark yelled back.

"I know! I'm so happy!" Johnny said.

"Congratulations! Maybe on your first comeback I can help write lyrics and produce," Mark giggled.

"Of course! Anyways I gotta go! Bye!" Johnny said. Before Mark could even say bye back the call had ended.

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