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The look of disgust on his face was enough to tell something happened. Everyone had been too busy with their new comeback to pay much attention to everything, so when Chanhee began to distance himself from everyone angrily, everyone else was shocked. 

Sunwoo and Youngjae were in the lounge talking as Chanhee was 'napping' in his room.

"So what do you think happened to make him this upset?" Sunwoo asked quietly, as to not disturb their sleeping leader Sangyeon, who was perched at the end of the couch. The youngest sat there thinking, coming to a blank. 

"I don't know. There isn't much that we do that can make him like this. Besides, all we did today was practice, have a meeting, and get sandwiches from the place down the block. There is no way we did anything. What if he's sick?!" 

"Hush child!" Sunwoo whisper yelled. "Do you want to wake Sangyeon up? He'll kill you." Youngjae sat back down and pouted. "Sorry..." he mumbled sadly. 

"It's fine. Why don't we go check on Chae, ok?" Youngjae nodded and followed his hyung down the hall.  As they neared Chanhee's bedroom door, they could hear a faint whimper and sniffling. They pushed the door open without knocking and barged through. 

There sat Chanhee, silently glaring at the half unwrapped sandwich on the table in front of him. As the two younger ones approached him, they noticed the sandwich was untouched, with red peeking out of the bread. 

Only when they got a few feet from him, did Chanhee look up from the food, a single tear falling down his cheek, speaking only three words.

"I. Hate. Tomatoes." 

A/n: Hello everyonee!! As you can probably tell, this is Mimin!!
Quick apology about not using Chanhee's stage name, but I don't like using stagenames when I'm writing. Oof. I'll try to if using real names is confusing.
Hello and welcome to our book. As Skye said previously, this is not supposed to be taken seriously. I hope you can laugh and enjoy these... stories? I don't know... What you all are reading is just words that our crazy minds have made. lol. well imma go. enjoy the book m8s. Also sorry for the long authors note.

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