The First Order

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The moments that passed between Saidy and Yrden felt like an eternity to Saidy as she awaited him to finally reveal what he meant back in Reich. A log toppled in the fire as it roared over its triumph before settling back down.

The shift in light cast half of Yrden's face in shadow as he began to speak, "The Dragon's Vanguard, better known as Valkyries, were warriors that heralded legendary power. However, that alone was not what made them prophetic, no, they were also masters of their weapons, comparable to none."

Saidy hung on every word, her mouth widening with each detail Yrden gave to her.

"There were six in total, able to command a magic said to be able to slay the gods themselves. This magic was also rumored to be older than necromancy or the druid's magic. However, to become one, you needed to form a pact with one of the Great Dragons, Parius or Xercies, and they did not bond easily.

"In the early ages of Tallenhiem, lesser dragons pillaged the world. The kings of all the realms set forth a call to arms for warriors that could drive back these beasts. Six stood where none had the courage too," Yrden said.

"Wow..." Saidy said in a hushed whisper as she scooted to the edge of her seat.

There was a childlike presence to her, as if Yrden were telling a kid a bedtime story. That was the enthusiasm Saidy felt when he spoke.

"Each one represented the six races of Tallenhiem—elves, humans, dwarves, picha, oni, yes even the oni knew the terrors dragons posed to them, and the final race were the golems. These six warriors traveled across Tallenhiem in search of a way to defeat the scourge of dragons that had brought the world to its knees.

"They traveled through the Plains of Gaia to the Grand Forests of Roth, down into the Swamps of Kale and across the Deserts of Ira. They searched the north from The Abyss to the Garden of Life, walked across the Spine of Tallenhiem, in winter mind you, which was no easy feat, to the Forest of Tears, then down into the Netherlands. They scoured every ancient ruin and chased down every legend and piece of lore that may lead to a way to defeat these dragons, but to no avail," Yrden paused for a moment.

"What happened next?" Saidy asked, her enthusiasm reaching its peak.

"Well, dear girl, they searched the one place they hadn't yet. Back then, the Cobblestone Mountains were alive and well, and dwarves thrived. It was in these mountains that the party discovered a cave. One not easily found and wouldn't be found again.

"And in this cave the party happened across during a freak blizzard high atop Diamond Mountain in the Cobblestone Mountain range, is where they found them."

"Found who?"

"the Great Dragons," Yrden said, deepening his voice for dramatic effect. "the Great Dragons knew their plea and revealed themselves after being sure of the party's resolve, but that was merely their first test.

"Each warrior was tested by a dragon in combat, yes they fought the Great Dragons themselves, and each of them succeeded, miraculously. Having passed their second trial, the dragons agreed to bestow a power on them that would allow them to defeat the lesser dragons that threatened Tallenhiem. However, this power would be the final determiner—one final test. They were to drink the blood of the Great Dragons.

"If they survived, they would be able to command a magic that would slay the dragons and even the gods if wielded right. Each warrior survived this final trial, and their leader, an elf, was granted the sword that the legend you spoke of earlier mentions," Yrden explained.

"You mean...?"

"Yes, the very sword that is said to be able to drink the blood of a dragon and become stronger from it. A sword that has since vanished, but that's another story for another time. It was this elf who designed the sword art that would slay the dragons, and with this newfound power, and the help of the Great Dragons, these warriors became their Valkyries and forged Tallenhiem's future from the clutches of darkness. They were hence known as The First Order."

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