Trials of the Heart

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The wall of light shimmered. Saidy gazed upon it as the spells broke against its near imperceptible reality. She wondered where it came from and why? Was Yrden somehow able to shield her? Did the druids administer a test that she triumphed in without her knowing?

'The Black Heart has recognized your devotion, girl. Now, you must claim it,' Yrden's voice echoed throughout her mind.

"The Black Heart did this?"

'Yes, it saw your display in its name, and deemed you worthy of its trials in my stead. Go now and claim it!'

Saidy watched as the druids gathered just beyond the ingress of the cave. Lexil touch it only to be deflected by the barrier as it rippled like water. His voice came through it in muted volume: "So, the heart has banned us from entering. It seems the whispers have come true. The age of druids will end, and Tallenheim will turn its last cycle."

Saidy watched, still in disbelief that she was safe as the lake turned crimson from the rivers of blood that had been spilled by her hand. The face of the boy she'd just murdered—the look of terror it adorned—flashed before her eyes as tears began to blur her vision. She reached for her cloak, hoping to seek refuge in the memories of her father she'd placed in its scarf, only to grasp at the void where it had been. She'd forgotten it was incinerated by Gailesh's flames.

The tears spilled over her eyelids, taking the stain of the boy's blood that plastered her cheeks with it. The memory of the half-oni girl's brother that she'd killed just outside Le'Dria flooded the forefront of her mind next. She let her swords fall with a gentle clang against the sandy shore as she covered her eyes—hoping to suppress the welling sadness that threatened to overtake her.

'Focus! This is not the time for weakness, girl!'

She felt her body tense as the invisible chord yanked at her soul, shocking her from her woe. With a sniffle and a wipe of her eyes from the back of her hand, Saidy bent and collected her swords before turning to face the darkness that held the heart.

It was a true blackness. It consumed every trickle of light that touched it. Only the sound of the water running through the cave and the cool wind it created guided Saidy through it. She relied on her feet to make sure that ground still remained under them and her outstretched hand to assure her she'd not run into something as she walked.

Saidy inched along, sliding her feet at a snail's pace in case the sand ceased, and a ledge or rock took its place. She continued this for an untold amount of time. At least in the Night Glade, there was the trickle of sunlight that filtered through the trees to give her the ability to see some distance ahead. Now, even the mouth of the cave had been lost to her.

"Murderer," a voice whispered from the darkness.

"Who's there?" Saidy's hand grabbed the hilt of her sword by instinct.

A vision of her beheading the druid boy illuminated itself in the darkness, towering over her.

"You slew the boy without hesitation... slaughterer," the whisper continued.

"No!" Saidy protested, "I had to! He was going to kill me!"

"Lies, you took his life knowing your blades could've stopped his magic with ease!"

Saidy's mouth opened to speak, but the reality of her decision silenced her words. It was true: her blade could've absorbed the spell, and the boy would've lived.

"The Heart sees your act of devotion. Do not sorrow. The boy was a test—an amalgamation of the Heart's will to find a suitable recipient of its favor."

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