The Valkrie's Wrath Sneak Peak: The Crimson Queen

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Casteil knew not the cold realities of the world. For most of her life, her only worry was her etiquette and magic lessons. So it was natural that monotony would fester in the idleness of young royalty.

Thus, she found pestering the guards with sneaky pranks and slinking around the castle to be an enjoyable pastime. That was until her sneaking unveiled the first cruelty Tallenheim would show her.

"Thessa! What are you doing with that?" Casteil's father spoke.

There was a quiver in his voice. Casteil stalked down the dark corridor, keeping close to the black iron walls. The shadows cast by the torches and braziers helped to cloak her. She'd snuck out of her bedroom to observe the happenings of the night with the intent of going to the slave fights, but this demanded her attention. Her father had not once shown a hint of fear whenever she was around.

Casteil had to know what could elicit such an impossible emotion from him. She slid along the wall up to the door of the throne room. It had already been left slightly ajar by one of the servants.

They should be whipped for this like one of the slaves, Casteil thought.

However, it made it easy for her to peer into the room without risking the hinges groaning and giving her away. Red moonlight bathed the room from a large arrow window behind the throne. The shadows of the pillars that lined the interior danced on the walls, cast from the braziers' fires. Casteil's face hung half in the shroud from the door. Her crimson eyes fixated on her father as she pushed her silver bangs behind her ear.

Her father crawled backwards on his elbows. His skin was nearly as white as snow, and Casteil caught the glint of flame reflecting off the beads that ran down his face. However, she could still not see what it was that had frightened her father.

"It must end, Vaughn. Caste can't be taught the old ways if she's to one day lead our people from The Abyss and end the slow death that has taken hold of our race," Thessa demanded.

"Do not speak such blasphemy to me, Thessa!" There was that strength her father was known for.

"The old ways are the reason onian children are growing rarer by the age!"

"The God of Death will rise once more, and we will take Tallenheim for ourselves as promised! The Goddess has—"

"The Goddess cares nothing for us! She only seeks revenge for her lover's death! If she did, she would use us to exact her revenge!" Thessa paused.

Casteil's brow sharpened. Why would mother speak against the gods?

"Thessa, this is nonsense. Put the spear down and think of Caste! What will become of her if she grows up without us?"

"I am thinking of her!"

Casteil saw a flash of silver before blood spout forth from her father's neck. Her eyes grew wide, and her vision blurred. She clasped her hands over her mouth as she backed into a brazier. The hot iron seared into her side as the bowl toppled off its stand and onto the stone floor. A shock tore down her spine, and she ran down the hall away from the throne room.

Is she coming to kill me next? Casteil's mind raced with the possibility. Her heart hammered in her chest as she glanced back over her shoulder. She didn't see her mother.

A sharp pain shot through her head next as she collided with something hard. Whatever she'd hit fell backwards and she fell with it. The sound of steel clanged onto the stone as a disgruntled guard groaned, "Who the hel— Princess Casteil, my apologies!"

"Help me!" Casteil panted. "My mother just killed father, please, she's coming for me next! You have to protect me!"

"What, your grace?" the guard said as he helped Casteil to her feet.


"Caste, darling! Come here, please," Thessa's voice echoed down the hall.

"My queen she's—"

"No! Hide me! Help me!" Casteil pleaded.

She tried to rip her hand from the guard's, but he held tight to her. Casteil grimaced under the steel gauntlet that bit into her bone.

"What the?" the guard said as he saw Thessa walking down the hall.

Blood dripped from her spear.

"Mana de Frin!" Thessa commanded.

Casteil ducked as shards of magical energy ripped through the steel armor of the guard and into is flesh. His grasp on her wrist loosened as he collapsed onto the ground. Casteil watched in terror—his eyes didn't even close as the life left them.

"Daughter! Do not run! We must—"

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