Budding Paramour

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"So, where are you taking me first?" Saidy hummed.

Sam couldn't help but stare at her. Her voice seamed lighter, like it floated in the air. Her eyes shimmered as she glanced sideways at him, brushing her red strands behind her ear.

"I uh... well..." Sam scratched at the back of his head as he watched Saidy's face light up.

"Whoa, look at that!" Saidy gasped.

Sam looked to where she was pointing to see a dark-skinned elven woman dancing in the middle of a small crowd. Saidy grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him to the front of the crowd to watch. They both stood there as the woman's dance flowed like water. Saidy could feel each movement as if she herself made them. It reminded her of when she would train with her swords, but this dance was much more beautiful. It wasn't meant to bring death, but joy, and that's what Saidy fell in love with.

The woman wore silken linens that slipped through the air like smoke. They were translucent and revealed much of her body. Saidy and Sam both gawked at the gold lined bra and thong that was the only real garments the woman wore. Most of the other onlookers had also been enthralled by her lack of dress for one reason or another.

Her eyes were the color of smoke and seduced everyone they met, Saidy included. Her caramel skin looked as velvety smooth as her silver hair which, even in its ponytail, still nearly touched her butt.

The woman made one final, grand display, leaping into the air and twirling around as glitter rained down upon the crowd. Everyone gasped and cheered in delight, lifting their hands as if to catch the shower. As the women landed, the crowd erupted in more cheers and claps. They tossed silver into the makeshift circle as the woman bowed and began to collect the coin. Her lips curled into a smile at their applause.

Saidy hadn't realized that anything other than dueling slaves could exist in the middle of a crowd. She'd not expected to see something so amazing but was relieved when she had. Her thoughts darkened as she remembered when she'd walk the streets of Reich at night with her Dolletus. They would often observe other slave fights, and more often, Saidy would be pitted against the victor for Talik's sick pleasure and insatiable bloodlust.

Saidy reached into her coin pouch and pulled a few silver out, walking up the women. She was afraid to speak to her but handed her the coin regardless. Her entire body tingled when the woman's hands brushed against her own. Her skin truly did feel like silk.

"Thank you, girl," the woman said with a raspy voice.

Saidy's lips curled to her ears, and she bowed before skipping back toward Sam.

"Sorry, what were you going to say earlier?" she asked.

"Well... I was goin—" he began before Saidy's stomach growled.

Sam's stomach echoed Saidy's, and they both looked at each other for a moment before giggling.

"I guess we should find something to eat," Sam said. "I know just the place too! It's a bit expensive, but it's worth it!"

Saidy's mouth salivated at the thought of food. She wondered what would make it so expensive, and why Sam wanted to go there; however, Sam knew exactly why he wanted to take her there. The sun had sunk low beyond the horizon as Sam led Saidy to the top of the mountain that Lockshi'Ria resided upon. The top of the mountain had been mostly removed to create the noble's quarter, and in the center, rested Castle Isgard. What was left of the mountain swept over the castle like a shield.

Saidy delighted in her new surroundings. The streets were lined with moonstone cobbles similar to Le'Dria's streets, and terraced gardens bordered the houses and created islands in the main road that led to the castle. Sam led her just shy of the castle wall to a cliff edge near the base of the cut in the mountain. An outdoor kitchen had been carved into the granite, and a massive cooking fire burned within it. The seating area took Saidy's breath from her lungs.

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