The Druids' Wrath

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"L-Lexil!" Felid choked as Saidy tightened her grip.

"Let me go!" Saidy demanded.

Lexil and Gailesh froze. Felid stared at Saidy with pleading eyes as she grabbed at Saidy's hand, but her grip was absolute. Saidy watched the other druids from the corner of her eye, unable to move her head. She felt the vines constricting her airway as well, but she'd not perish before killing the druid at least—that much she was certain of.

Saidy dropped to the floor as the vines receded. She didn't hesitate in wrapping her body around Felid to get to her backside, locking Felid's neck in her arms and bracing the back with her other hand. All she needed to do was apply pressure to the rear of Felid's head, and her breath would be severed.

Saidy watched the druids, trying to give each one equal attention as she rose with Felid and began backing towards the wall once more. The mouth of the tree opened up as the night flooded into the room.

"How far do you think you'll get?" Felid seethed.

"Far enough." Saidy switched her arms and turned her head away from Felid in case she tried to rear back at her. She reached for her sword belt and grabbed it. "Ash!"

The wolf who'd taken comfort on the mossy floor around the tree sprang too, growling at the druids. Saidy wondered if Ash's loyalty would waiver, though. He'd already followed the other druid without hesitation. What would stop him from turning on her at their behest? Saidy pushed the thought from her mind. There wasn't time to worry about the what ifs.

Saidy kicked Felid in the back. Felid stumbled towards the other two druids while Saidy drew one of her swords. Gailesh hurdled another fireball at Saidy. Lexil rushed to Felid's side to help her. Saidy held her sword to block the magic. The heat licked her face as the flame was sucked into the blade. She could feel the blade pulsing in her palm, urging her to sling the spell back at Gailesh. Saidy slashed at the air, sending a wave of fire roaring toward the druids.

She turned and ran, jumping from the small terrace that overhung the beach of the lake. Gailesh summoned a wave of water to meet the fire, extinguishing his earlier spell.

"Druids!" Lexil's voice boomed, causing Saidy to grab at her ears. "An enemy has penetrated the circle! Rise and defend yourselves!"

Saidy shoved her sword under her arm, so she could throw her belt around her waist and fasten it. She drew her other sword as the crater came alive with spells. Lighting, fire, and bolts of magic rained around her. Saidy dodged what she could, and slung back what she couldn't as she rounded the lake.

She drove her feet deep into the sand, propelling herself forward with as much strength as her legs would allow. She sucked in as much air as her lungs could carry, exhaling it with the same fervor. Ash ran alongside her on the ledge above her. To her surprise, he'd stayed true to her and tore through any druid that crossed him.

Hope began to grow within Saidy as the mouth of the cave grew closer with each footfall. She thought that if she could just reach the cave, her pursuers might give up; however, she knew the likelihood of that truth might be mere fantasy.

Her hope was shattered when a boy, not much older than seven, she figured, jumped in front of her.

No, please, don't make me kill you... she begged in her mind as she closed the distance to him.

The boy stared at her without fear. His brows knit together, and he lowered his head a bit.

Throwing his hand across his chest, he began to say, "Mana de'—"

Saidy ran past him before he could finish his spell, letting her sword take his head. The moment of terror that froze on his face just before her blade met his neck would never leave her. The white sand beneath his body didn't hesitate to take on the crimson that soaked it.

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