Return to Me (Peter Parker Imagine )

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Before reading this imagine will contain Avengers Endgame Spoilers



"Peter..." I whispered as everyone around me began to turn to dust. He was looking at me and his face, he was so scared.

"I.. I don't know what's happening. (Y/N), (Y/N) save me, save me." He begged, hugging me.

"Peter, it's okay, please stay with me. I love you, Peter Parker, please stay with me. " I cried,trying to hold him up but both of us falling,  he began to turn to dust and he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I love you (Y/N)." He whispered as he disappeared.

I whimpered touching the spot where he was, turning around to find Tony and Nebula still with me.


Present time

It's been five years since Peter and everyone else disappeared, the remaining avengers and I recently came up with a plan that Scott called "Time Heist"

We split up into teams and were going back in time to get the stones, to get everyone back. I was with Natasha and we were on the way to get the soul stone. Little did we know what it would of costed.

We arrived and were greeting by Red Skull," In order to gain the soul stone, the person you love must be sacrificed. A soul for a soul."

I looked at Natasha and shook my head," I'll do it, Nat. We need this stone to get everyone back."

Nat looked at me and nodded her head, I went to shake her hand and she smiled at me sadly before a sharp pain ran through my entire body. She had shocked me.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but I'm not gonna let you sacrifice yourself. You have Peter and your family to get back. I.. I have no one but you guys and I have to do this." She said, beginning to run to the edge of the cliff.

I groaned and got up as fast as I could, running after her and shooting a hook to the floor.

She jumped off and so did I, grabbing her tightly by her wrist.

"Your crazy, Nat. Why would you do that?" I said, looking down at her.

"Let me go." She whispered, I shook my head with tears in my eyes.

"No, please. No, Nat" I begged, struggling to hold her since she wasn't holding onto my wrist.

"It's okay." She said, smiling at me softly. Suddenly she pushed herself away from me by kicking the cliffs wall and I lost my grip on her wrist.

I gasped, looking away as she fell to the bottom of the cliff.

Flash forward to the battle with Thanos

We finally got the stones and were fighting Young Thanos who was trying to obtain them.

I groaned as I was suddenly kicked and went flying, when someone swooped in and catched me.

"I got you." He said, swinging to a safe spot.

"Peter." I gasped as he let me down and hugged him tightly. I pulled back and looked at him, he still looked the same. I smiled and let out a shaky breath, grabbing his face and kissing him.

His eyes widened and he blushed deeply, before kissing me back.

I pulled away and leaned my forehead against his, "Never leave me again, please." I whispered.

"I won't, I love you (Y/N)" He said, hugging me.

"Let's go kick some ass now Spidey-boy." I said, laughing.

He chuckled," Let go kick some ass, Black cat."


Black Cat and Spider Man are back in action! Comment and let me know if you want more of black cat/ spider man imagines or smut.

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