eight- sock on my cock

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A/n- so I have a confession to make. So like.. I've always wanted Camilla Cabello to ride my fa-

-lick on my suck on my stroke uh my c-

Jahseh Onfroy

Today I am meeting Stokeleys parents. I'm a mess. What if I say something wrong. Or what if they think I'm fat. Or what if they see that I have an alleged baby momma and automatically judge me even though it was proven the baby isn't mine.

Or what if they are homophobic and hate me for turning their son out. Or what if the kidnap me and torture me because I turned their son out.

"Jahseh what are you doing?" Stokeley walked into the bathroom and I looked down at my hands to see I broke the brush.

"Oh damn sorry," I put it down.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"Uh.. maybe yeah," I confessed.

"They will love you," he told me. "Stop stressing."

"Easy for you to say, I don't have parents for you to meet," I said quietly, turning back to my hair.

I put my hair into two ponytails and left two dreads hanging out. I went to grab the tooth past but I felt stokeleys eyes on me so I turned to face him.

"What?" I asked.

"You should reach out to your dad," he told me.

My heart stopped and I gave him a blank stare. "I'm not doing that Stokeley." I told him.

"I mean why not? It couldn't hurt," Stokeley pushed.

"Stokeley no," I said quietly.

He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame, "why not." He asked.

"Because I don't want to now drop it," I raised my voice. I shoved the brush into the sink and then walked past him, bumping my shoulder into his.

I walked into our closet and grabbed my shoes, slipping them over my feet easily and then I looked in the mirror, checking to make sure that I looked okay.

"Beautiful," I heard Stokeleys voice. I deeper into the mirror, and saw him standing behind me, leaning against the door Frame of our large walk in closet.

"Thanks," I mumbled and sighed shortly afterwards. "We have to leave right now?" I asked.

"Yeah if we wanna be on time," Stokeley crossed his arms and gave me a small smile, showing off some of his grill.

"Ugh you can't wear that to meet your mom," I told him.

"Why not?" He uncrossed his arms and frowned.

"Because that's not something you wear to meet parents," I stated obviously.

"I'm wearing it. Now come on," he told me. I nodded my head and followed him out of the closet.

Time skip to meet the parents!!

Stokeley parked his car in the parking lot of a medium size, glass house. It looked pretty expensive. Almost as expensive as Stokeleys house.

Which is to be expected since he told me he takes care of his parents because he doesn't want them doing anything but relaxing.

Stokeley started to get out of his car but I put my hand over his as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "Don't be nervous," he told me.

"What if they don't like me?" I asked.

"Then oh fucking well because I love you and you aren't going anywhere." He told me.

"Do they know that you're twenty one and in seventeen?" I asked.

"You're going to be eighteen in a few months, it's November chill." He told me.

I nodded my head, this time letting him get out the car as I followed behind him shortly after.

"Don't be Nervous they are going to love you," he told me before opening the front door and walking in , leaving me to follow behind him.

As I trailed behind him, I started to take in my surroundings. This is actually a very homey place.

"Bitch you don't knock!" I heard a mans voice yell and then he approached Stokeleys and pulled him into a bare hug.

"Hey dad," Stokeley gasped as he tried to collect himself, after being released from the hug.

"Oh hey mom?" Stokeley turned and looked down a hallway I didn't even see at first. And there stood a short woman. Quite beautiful actually.

She was short, and her body shape was fair, sort of thin. She had curly hair a little past her shoulders and I saw that Stokeley inherits a lot of her facial features. Actually all of them. They could be twins.

"Oh uh this is Jahseh," Stokeley finally spoke.

"Hi nice to finally meet you, my sons a rude bitch." The man held out his hand for me to shake, I shook it slightly and then shoved my hands into the pockets of my black jeans.

"I'm stinkers mom, you can call me mama or Laura," the woman introduced herself before literally yanking me by my arm and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Oh you smell amazing, please tell me that's rubbing off on Stokeley," Laura released me from the hug.

I snorted, "it was that bad?" I asked.

"It's still that bad, I know you smell him," his dad said.

"Isaiah, don't embarrass the boy," Laura smacked the back of his head. "That's my job."

"Wanna see his old room, I got all his shitty draws just chillin," she told me.

"Oh hell nah," I chuckled. "You shit yourself?" I turned to Stokeley who looked pissed.

"Maaa!" He whined.

"Well if he can't handle that then you shouldn't be together," she shrugged. "The other night he Called me and was talking about he was home alone and he shitted i-"

"Anyways, let's eat," Stokeley cut her off.

"No I wanna hear, finish the story," I laughed.

"He shitted and then got stuck in the toilet, when he got up he legs was numb and he fell and his shit got all over him," Isaiah finished the story.

"Oh my- when?" I asked.


"Oh my god," I laughed harder. "Bae that's nasty. You don't tell people that."

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