sixteen- ocean eyes

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-you really know how to make me cry-

Jahseh Onfroy
~The next day~

"Oh my god he's really here!" I heard Michael y'all when he saw me. I kept a straight face and walked right past them, not wanting to deal with them right now.

My sister followed closely behind me because I told her not to leave my side unless I said so. Cause I'm responsible for her for the next two years and I'll he damned if something happens to her.

Oh so that tea is, her dads in jail for dealing drugs so she called me from her foster home and I came and got her so she wouldn't be in the system.

"Jah stop walking so fast," Arianna said from behind me.

"Sorry, come on," I stopped in my tracks and let her catch up to me. When she was finally by my side. We started to walk again we were stopped in our tracks when Stokeley stepped in front of us.

"Jah.." he looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause I have to pee and I don't know where the bathroom is at," Arianna grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Thank you," I smiled at her.

"You're welcome," she smiled. "But I really do have to pee." She told me.

"I have a bathroom in my dressing room," I told her as I led her to my dressing room.

Stokeley -

I watched Jahseh walk away with the smaller girl by his side, holding onto his arm.

I feel stupid now.

"What are you sad for now?" Jarad asked me.

"Cause I miss him," I frowned.

"And he went and had a baby? Why do you even try with him?" Michael rolled his eyes.

"I know, but still, it was before me." I defended him.

"And he lied to you, to us. That's probably his baby momma he has with him, and you wanna miss him. He doesn't miss you. He left you without a word and blocked you on everything. Has he reached out ? No!" Jarad is told me.

"He's a hoe and he will get what's coming for him," Michael smirked as he watched Jah disappear into his dressing room.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"His girl won't be around for long," Michael smirked. I looked at Jahsehs door and he walked out, without the girl.

"And all that ends now." Michael smiled and pulled his phone out.

I shook my head and looked back at the door.


I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, going back into the dressing room and sitting on the couch. I flipped on the tv.

Jahseh told me to stay in here because his concerts are wild and he doesn't want anything to happen to me. He said towards the end he would come get me before his last set and I could go onstage with him.

I started to text my boyfriend on my phone, I haven't seen him since I moved to LA, he still lives in Florida.

The door opened and two guys walked in, one looked like he was Asian and the other looked like a 10 year old whole the other looked like a lizard.

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