twenty two- heathens

365 41 6

-you don't know the half of the abuse-

Guys I'm dead asf someone sent nudes and bayybeeee that's not okay!

Anyways enjoy!

-Jahseh Onfroy-

I smiled as I watched Ivy play in her bubble bath, her long curls, flowing down her back while she blew her bubbles out of her hands.

"Dada!" She babbled as she splashed me with the water. So here's how I have to give her baths. I put on swim shorts and get in with her because she always wants me to get in.

Then after I wash her off, I give her to Ari while I shower and then I get her dressed and ready.

I know growing up kids love showering with their mothers at the ages of one to two. And she doesn't have a mom anymore so I try to do what I can.

I'm not about to get butt ass naked in the shower with but that's the least I can do you know.

"Ow!" Ivy cries and holds her eyes.

"Did you get soap in your eyes?" I asked as I picked her up and started to rinse it out.

She stopped crying and then looked up at me, "I know you fucking lying." I said as I realized she was faking it so I'd pick her up.

"Girl you finna stop doing that okay?" I told her.

"K," She babbled and made grabby hands at me, I can tell she's getting tired. I hurried to rinse her off and then stepped out of the tub, wrapping her in her towel. I walked her into her room and laid her in her crib while I grabbed her a diaper and a onesie, walking over to her bed. I grabbed her lotion from off the floor, where I left it this morning.

I poured some lotion on my hands, rubbing it around a little before putting it all over her, making sure she wasn't dry anywhere. Because just like me, my daughter has sensitive skin and it gets dry very easily.

I lotioned down her legs, feet, stomach, back, arms and face before I finally put her diaper on, then following after with her onesie.

I put some coconut oil in her hair, and brushed it before putting it into two braids, then adding her bonnet.

I laid her down and then made her a bottle, giving it to her. She took it and laid down, playing with her ear and as she drifted off to sleep.

I sat in her rocking chair, waiting for her to fall asleep, then went to my room when I was sure she was sleep. I walked into my room and took off my swim shorts, changing into clean boxers and joggers before retiring to my bed.


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