ten- see you again

431 47 39

- We've come a long way from where we've began-

Jahseh Onfroy

"Hey love," Johnathan smiled wickedly. My mouth remained opened as I stepped closer to him.

"W-why?" I asked.

"Because you got me hooked," he smirked. "I needed you again but you were dodging the fuck out of me."

"Needed me again?" I rolled my eyes. "That was Rape Blue, I was drunk off my ass and you knew that. And I still told you to stop, and you didnt. You raped me."

I felt Stokeley step closer to me. He put me protectively behind him. I stepped around him.

"No, why are you doing this?" I asked him.

"Because I love you."

Thats when I blacked out.


"Because I love you." The 'Blue' guy stated.

I watched as Jahseh titled his head to the side. Something he did when he was confused, mad, angry, livid, or joking.

"Oh my damn." I heard Tay whisper. I looked at Jahseh's face and his eyes were a deep black. I saw anger, hate and disgust.

"You think this shits funny?" Jahseh smirked as he slowly walked over to where Nahmir, and two other guys had Blue pinned to a tree.

"No, it was out of love," Blue smiled.

"You think this shits funny?" Jahseh repeated. But it sounded like more of a statement this time around.

Within a blink of an eye, Jahseh was in front of Blue, punching his face in.

Tay went to grab him, "I wouldnt do that if i were you," Jahseh said as his back was facing Tay. Tay looked at me and I shrugged so he stepped away.

Jahseh looked at Tay, "Gimme that knife."

Tay gave it to him slowly watching his every move.

"You wanna know what if feels like to get raped?" Jahseh chuckled. He grabbed Blue by his shirt and threw him to the floor.

He landed on his stomach. Jahseh kicked him in his side and then knealed down next to him. He touched his waistband.

"You remember you pulled my clothes off like this?" Jahseh chuckled as he quickly pulled Blue's pants off. He pulled his boxers down and then lifted the knife up.

"Oh no he aint fin-" Nahmir was cut on when Jahseh spread Blues ass cheeks and then shoved the knife in his as- oh damn.

"AHHH!" Blue let out a yell of pain.

"It felt just like that!" Jahseh laughed and stabbed him six or seven times.

he turned him over so how he was on his back. "You remember you forced your pecker inside of my mouth." He held Blue's dick in his hands.

"Yo your mans is crazy, " Tay winced and looked at me.

"Oh dont do it!" Nahmir yelled when Jahseh held up the knife.

Jahseh plunged the knife through Blue pee hole, "OH MY GOD!" I flinched and held my balls cause when I tell you i felt that shit in my soul.

"STUPID SON OF A BITCH!" jahseh brought the knife up and stabbed Blue in his dick once more.

"Nah i wont kill you, you deserve to suffer," he whispered.

"Im sorry," Blue cried out.

Jahseh smiled and then pecked his lips, "You fucked with you wrong one baby," he brought the knife and dropped it on the floor.

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