Chapter 2

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It was almost midnight and Fitz was in his home, changing into some clothes to sleep on. He took off his hat and messed his hair a bit, staring into the mirror to see his reflection.

The bags under his eyes were always a bug to him, his fans would often worry for him since they think he doesn't get enough sleep but truth to be told, he is getting enough sleep and they shouldn't worry too much about him.

He looked at his hair and forehead, people made jokes about his 'big' forehead which he didn't mind, they were just jokes nothing to cry about. Sometimes they did get annoying but he got used to it, he hated his hair so much that he constantly wore a hat to try and cover it up.

He always wore his black hat which he loved and always had around him.

"I looked fucked cunt" He told himself as he kept looking at himself.

"God how can fangirls love me?" He chuckled, he would always get tagged in edits or posts of girls saying how they think he was 'cute' or 'hot' some take it too far and say the things they want him to do to them, but let's not talk about that.

Cam decided it was time to sleep, laying in bed and closing his eyes.


Cameron woke up the next day, he decided to just change his shirt and keep the sweatpants. Of course he wore his black hat to hide away his hair. He decided to clean up the house a bit, do his laundry, clean the kitchen, the bathroom etc.

He put on some of his music, dancing as he cleaned. It was a great Monday just chilling and enjoying himself until he realized what day it was.

The day Y/N came to the MisFits house. Cameron didn't know what time she would come but he sure as hell didn't want to miss it, he checked his time seeing it was 9 am. He's been cleaning for about an hour now and the house already looked clean, he got his phone and started heading to the MisFits house.

He finally arrived at the house and knocked on the door, Sam was the first to open the door.

"Oh hey Fitz, why are you here so early?" Sam asked Fitz, letting him in.

"Just uh wanting to visit" Cam said, sitting down on the couch and hearing sizzling from the kitchen.

"Who's in the kitchen?" Cam asked, looking to see it was

"Oh it's Chris, he's just cooking breakfast for the boys, did you eat before coming?" Sam asked, Cam barely noticed that he didn't even eat anything.

"Nah, I was cleaning and didn't get to eat" Sam called out to Chris making him look behind him.

"Yes, Sam?" Chris noticed Cam so he waved which Cam waved back.

"Hey, Cam! Didn't even notice you arrived, hang tight I'm almost done with breakfast" Cam thanked him then looked ahead of him, she isn't here yet.

"God I am so obsessed to meeting this girl, I mean what if she's the complete opposite of what I imagined her to be?"

He thought then decided to ask something.

"Hey where's Ryan?" He asked Sam.

"He went to pick up his sister from the airport, he'll be here soon" Sam explained while typing away on his phone. Cam was anxious to just meet this girl already, how did she act in person? Would she like him or hate him? He hopes she would at least like him and not hate his guts.

"Mate you look pale, are you alright?" Sam asked Cameron, he just nodded.

"You sure? You're never like this"

"Do you know anything about Ryan's sister?" Fitz suddenly asked.

"Yeah, she's a great friend of mine. She's honestly the sweetest and isn't afraid to speak her mind, you'll like her when you meet her. Is that why you're so nervous?"

"Kind of, when Ryan showed me a picture of her I was just speechless, she looked so beautiful and ah.. I can't believe I'm falling in love with a stranger" Sam laughed but put a hand on Fitz's shoulder.

"I believe you two will hit it off nicely, just don't fuck up this one mate" Cam nodded with a smile. They both heard the door unlock and close.

"And this is where they live" Both guys heard Ryan's voice then they heard a feminine voice.

"Ah it looks lovely" Was it her? Was it Cam's little crush?

Then, she came in view. She looked just like the picture Ryan showed him, his heart was beating faster just like last night. She looked so amazing, she wore a black hoodie with some light jeans. She noticed Cameron staring at her, her heart started to beat faster as well.

"He's so cute"

"She's so beautiful"

Ryan spoke up catching their attention.

"Y/N this is Cameron, Cameron this is Y/N, my little sister" Ryan and Y/N walked towards Cameron, Cam decided to stand up and towered both Ryan and Y/N.

"Oh yeah he's also a fucking giraffe" Ryan pointed out but Y/N wasn't paying attention, she was just staring at Cameron which he did the same thing.

"Hi pleased to meet you, Cameron" She smiled while holding her hand out for him to shake.

"Pleased to meet you too, Y/N" He smiled back, Ryan and Sam looked at each other, both thinking the same exact thing.

"This is going to be fun"


Have a great day/night ❤️

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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