Chapter 3

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"Hey, can you call the guys? Breakfast is ready" Chris told everyone, Ryan and Sam decided to go and call everyone while Y/N and Cam were downstairs.

"So uh... whats your favorite color?" Cameron suddenly asked which confused Y/N but later giggled at the random question.

"My favorite color is F/C, what's yours?" She asked back.

"Uh it's uh" Cameron was trying to talk but his he didn't know what to say.

"I like your hat, it suits you" Y/N decided to change the subject, seeing Cameron was struggling to even form words.

"Oh r-really? Thank you! I like it as well" Y/N smiled at Cameron, he was so cute when he was flustered and shy, she wondered why he was like that.

"Guys this is my little sister, Y/N. Y/N I work with these people" Y/N looked at the stairs to see Ryan and Sam with 4 other dudes.

"Hi I'm Swagger" Swagger was the first one to introduce himself to Y/N, both shook hands then Matt was next.

"Hi my names Matt" They shook hands.

"I'm Toby, pleased to meet you" Toby said with a smile.

"And I'm Mason!" Y/N was taken back when Mason carried her bridal style and twirled both of them, Cameron glared at them, something inside of him fumed in anger, he didn't have any hatred towards Mason, he loved that cunt like he was his own son.

But when he saw him carry Y/N like that and get too friendly something inside of him snapped, like he didn't want anybody else to grab her like that.. just him.

"Don't mean to interrupt but food is ready" Chris announced again, everyone went to go sit down at the table except Y/N and Ryan.

"You guys wanna sit down?" Chris asked but Y/N and Ryan declined, saying they already ate and don't feel like sitting down.

"So Y/N, how was it being Ryan's sister?" Swagger asked Y/N.

"It was like any sibling relationship, there's times where you hate each other's guts and then there's times where you love each other" She explained, smiling. Cameron kept on looking at Y/N, observing what she did.

From time to time Y/N would look at Cam only to see he was already looking at her, she would look away which made Cam chuckle softly.

The guys kept asking Y/N about how Ryan was when he was little and asked her some stuff about herself as well, one of them being why did Ryan never introduce her to them.

"I don't know, we didn't even talk that much but we recently started talking. Maybe he forgot about me" Y/N joked, giggling.

"No I didn't, you're not so innocent either ya cunt" Ryan defended himself while everyone just laughed and smiled.

"Ok whatever, anyways I'm just glad to see you again" Y/N said, hugging her brother. Everyone kept talking, Cameron was talking to Sam on how he can get closer to Y/N.

"Just talk to her, she might get shy at first but she'll get used to you. Plus it looks like she has a crush on you as well" Sam said as he put both Cam's and his plate away, sitting back next to Cam.

"How are you so sure?" Cam asked.

"Well when she first saw you, she was speechless and looking at you with love in her eyes" Sam explained, making sure to be quiet.

"I mean I guess you're right, I wanna invite her to dinner or something today.. do you think she'll be busy?" Sam thought for a moment, she was suppose to move to her new home that Ryan bought her, Ryan and Sam can move her stuff alone.

"Nah, go get 'em tiger" Fitz smiled then looked to see where Y/N was at, he saw that she was looking at the backyard. He got up to go talk to her while Sam told Ryan what was going to happen.

"Hey, Y/N" Y/N looked up to see Cameron, she smiled up at him, her neck kind of started to hurt from having to look up.

"Hey, Cameron" She greeted back.

"So, I was wondering uh do you maybe wanna go out to eat later?" Fitz scratched the back of his neck, hoping to not get rejected.

"Of course, I would love to" Fitz's heart stopped for a bit then kept on going, he started to feel warm inside.

"So, tell me about yourself, what do you like to do in your free time?" Both of them sat down on the couch.

"I didn't really have free time because I worked and took care of my parents but whenever I did have free time I always watched my favorite tv show or movie, got some snacks and just relaxed since I barely have it" She asked the same question.

"Oh I just like to clean around my house and try to edit a video, sometimes I lose interest and just watch tv or hang with these idiots" Both started to make conversation, Sam and Ryan looked at the both of them seeing them laughing.

"Mate they're having a lot of fun" Sam told Ryan which he agreed with.

"I have never seen Cameron this in love neither have I seen Y/N be this in love either" Ryan said, seeing both the lovers talking.


It was time for Y/N and Cam to go out to eat, they both decided to go in Cam's Tesla so he could flex and make her think he's rich.

"I like your Tesla, very roomy" Y/N complimented Fitz's car which he thanked her for. Both were obviously scared about this 'date' they were going, what if one of them says something bad and the whole thing gets ruined? What if they don't enjoy it?

They'll just have to wait and see.


Watched the Hamilton play, loved it.

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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