Chapter 5 The Road Ahead

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The morning came, and Zelda was already breaking bread and having words with Impa in the main living quarters of her home. Paya would be back home any moment from gathering ingredients to prepare for their breakfast, while Link was still soundly asleep upstairs thanks to the strong lingering effects of the Lunar Tear Potion.

"So sorry for your table, Impa," Zelda said bashfully as she reminded her of what happened the night prior with Link.

"It is quite alright. I needed a new one anyways. That other one was far too cumbersome and large for just me and Paya," the old woman replied with a grin. The two of them sat next to her new table, which was considerably smaller and noticeably not as grand in its crafting. Dorian had given it to her earlier that morning, a temporary solution until they could get a proper replacement. "Now, I won't have to shout just to have her hand me the bread basket. Shouting at table doesn't make for good conversation, either, and these old lungs of mine are tired as it is. So, I would say it was a blessing in disguise, and we'll probably keep it."

Zelda smiled to her as she reached over for a loaf of bread. She knew she was only saying that so she wouldn't feel so bad for the ruckus caused the night prior. Their knees were practically touching as they sat opposite from each other at the table. And, just as she was about to inquire when Link should be waking, Paya came barging through the front door and interrupted her train of thought.

"Phew! All ready, now. S-sorry to make you wait, princess," the Sheikah girl said as she made her way to the kitchen.

"It's no problem, Paya. Link has yet to wake, and it is still quite early," Zelda replied, stretching her arms against the table. "His rest is far more important than continuing our journey, for now. So, I will wait for as long as he needs."

"Oh...I'd say the effects of the potion should be worn off by mid-day," Impa chimed in. "He should feel much better once he wakes, so you may continue your quest. The realm cannot wait your highness."

As Impa said those words, Paya lit up the wok and cracked four cucco eggs over it. No sooner had they touched the hot steel, sizzling and popping and giving off their succulent aroma, the door upstairs swung open with a loud bang. Link was awake and ready for the day.

"You were saying, Impa? Mid-day, was it?" asked Zelda, trying to hold back her laughter by covering her mouth. "Ha Ha, it's barely nine o'clock! Never underestimate the sheer will of Link's stomach. It could break through any conjurers trick, spell or potion for that matter!"

"Good morning. Sorry to keep you all waiting," Link greeted those in the room. He smiled over to Zelda, who glanced back at him with a cute grin. She patted the pillow beside her next to the small table where they gathered, ushering him to come and have breakfast. As he lowered himself to sit next to them at the table, he sheepishly turned to look at Impa. "Don't worry, I won't break this one."

"Break as many as you like, you earned your pardon many times over for what you have done for us all...the only thing I ask of you is to not break my pottery. Not that I think you would, but please spare my pottery," Impa said as she let out a faint chuckle.

"Oh yes, Grandmother does love her pottery. Ugly things they are. I don't know why she insists on keeping them. They just take up space and are good for absolutely nothing, " Paya chimed in as she started to bring some platters of food to the table.

"They have been in our family for generations, wonderful works of hand-crafted art they are, that is why!" Impa defended herself, shaking her head at the wayward child.

"Oh yes, you're right. My mistake, grandmother, forgive me," Paya bowed her head apologetically but as she turned away from her and made her way back into the kitchen, she rolled her eyes. Zelda caught a glimpse of Paya's moment of rebelliousness as she walked away, and giggled at their family quarrel.

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