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"Yo what's with your neck?" someone called as I walked by them. I glared up at James Man, the biggest son of a bitch at my school. He had moved here the year Dylan left, bullying me, a lot. I guess he tried to make himself feel better about being the new kid by picking on the lonely girl. 

I was kind of an awkward loner without Dylan, I'll admit. But then I got friends, got smart, and then he left me alone. Even when my mom died and I became a loner once again, he laid off. Not completely but it was never as bad as the first year Dylan left. 

Now that I've grown into my looks and as some would say, look pretty, he usually stays away. I pulled my grey turtle neck up as it had slipped, showing the purple bruises from yesterday. "Hello?" he asked, waving his big, meaty hand in front of my face. I rolled my eyes, sticking my middle finger up as I passed by. He threw his hands up in exasperation as he gave up, walking the other way.

I walked as fast as I could towards the exit, desperate to escape this place. I hate school and I couldn't wait to get out of here and get to work, where I would do something that mattered. I pushed open the door as a sharp chill hit me. It was if I had a sort of flash back, my eyes going wide.

"Can't catch me!" Dylan shouted as he swerved in and out of the rows of pumpkins. I smiled as I ran, pumping my legs, going as fast as the younger me could. I tripped, landing on my face as I let out a strangled, coughing noise. Dylan stopped, immediately running back towards me. "I'm so sorry are you okay?" he asked, frantically checking me over for any serious wounds. I smirked as I poked his chest.

"Gotcha ya" I taunted, a frown coming over his face as he stuck out his tongue.

"You little cheat. I thought you were hurt" he pouted as I smiled in response. He stood up, helping me to my feet. I sighed, shrugging my shoulders as I looked up at the bright blue sky.

"The trip was real" I tried, my eyes meeting his. His lip remained pouted, the only choice left being my puppy dog eyes. "Please don't be mad" I begged, giving him the eyes. He stayed silent, my mind working fast. "I'll let you take the bigger pumpkin home!" I poked his side, finally earning a giggle. Every year our families went pumpkin picking together and Dylan and I always had a competition of who could get the biggest pumpkin.

"Okay fine. I forgive you" he said as I laughed, jumping on his back. He stumbled to the side, threatening to drop the both of us to the ground. But soon he steadied, playfully glaring up at me.

"Now let's go get some apple cider!" I chanted, pointing to the little cabin that sat on the plot of land near the pumpkins. He groaned, with a smile on his face as he carried me to the cabin, the two of us laughing under the warm autumn sun. 

And then the flashback ended. I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. It had happened about five times since we went to Rockwood; different memories that is. Little random ones that I hadn't thought of in a very long time. My memories that I had tried so hard to suppress were all coming back up. 

I looked around to make sure no one saw my flashback, my hands rubbing the tears from my eyes. I ran to my car, taking a deep breath once I sat in the driver's seat. I reached into my glove department, searching for it. Finally, my fingers felt the glossy surface as I pulled out the picture. I liked to keep it in my car, because I don't know, I guess it makes it feel like he's still here. I looked at the picture of him that I had taken at the beach one year. Him posing like an idiot with a wicked tee shirt tan. 


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