Chapter 10

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My eyes opened as a shrill scream rang through the air. It was followed by a loud sobbing noise and then another loud scream. I sat up, looking around my dark room as my heart began to race. My eyes landed on my clock; it was one in the morning. The strangled screams continued, a sharp pain in my chest. I pushed myself out of bed, running out of my room towards the guest room. I pushed open the door, the screams instantly louder. 

Dylan was sweating like crazy, his knuckles white as he gripped onto the sheets, sobbing. He jolted up, screaming until his voice broke. It was louder than I've ever heard anyone scream. His face was stained with tears, his eyes filled with terror. I felt like my heart was being torn apart as I watched him scream. 

I moved to the bed, laying down as I pulled him into my arms. He continued to scream, his breathing ragged and uneven. My dad ran into the room a few seconds later, his eyes terrified as he saw Dylan screaming in my arms. "I've got it" I breathed, dismissing my father. He gave me a worried nod before hesitantly shutting the door. 

My attention turned back to Dylan who I held tightly in my arms. "Dylan" I soothed, rocking him back and forth. "Dylan it's Emma. You're okay" I repeated over and over, rocking him back and forth. Holding him with one arm, I rubbed circles on his back with the other. His screams turned into sobs as he leaned into me, slowly coming out of it. "You're okay. I have you" I soothed, feeling his heart beating rapidly inside his chest. 

He was warm in my arms, his chest moving quickly as he sucked in quick breaths, clearly panicked. His sobs quieted as it seemed he was coming out of his trance. He lifted one hand, grabbing onto my arm. "Hey, it's okay" I whispered, my grip loosening as he sat up, sniffling. He looked around the room, confusion in his eyes. He turned back towards me, a mix between sadness and fear, staining his usually upbeat face. "Dylan, are you okay?" I asked, pulling one of his hands in mine. I already knew the answer, he obviously wasn't, but I needed him to say something, to explain what was upsetting him. Anything but the silence he was giving me. 

He shook his head looking down at my hands which held him. "Sorry I woke you" he whispered, seemingly embarrassed. "No one is usually here when I scream myself awake. At the asylum, it's kind of normal" he muttered to himself, my hand squeezing his.

"Hey, it's alright. I used to get them too" I said, softly, his eyes quickly darting up to mine in shock. I nodded, a sad sigh escaping me. "Yeah. First when you left and then when my mom died. How do you think I knew how to calm you down?" I smiled softly, earning a hesitant smile in resturn.

"Thanks" he whispered, laying back down on the bed, pulling the sheets up to his chest. 

"Anytime" I smiled, pausing as I went to get off the bed. "You're going to get better Dylan. I promise" I whispered as I stood up, heading towards the door. 

I felt his hand grab onto my arm, his pulse still not recovered from his screaming. I paused, giving into his pull. "Do you think you could stay a little longer? Maybe just until I fall asleep?" he asked, suddenly seeming so small. I nodded, lifting the covers as I moved next to him. I pressed myself against his back, wrapping my arms around him. He held one of my hands, his thumb running over my worn knuckles. "Thanks" he whispered, his voice quiet

"Dylan, what was your nightmare about?" I whispered, the curiosity gnawing away at me and I figured it might even help him get over it if he talked about it. I felt his muscles tense, and his breathing hitching. I squeezed his hand, pressing my forehead against his back. "You can tell me" I encouraged. 

He nodded, taking a deep breath. "It's usually the same dream. It kind of happened in real life once. Not to me, but I witnessed it and I guess I never got over it" he whispered, shivering in my arms. I squeezed his hand, helping him to continue. I heard him swallow before he began. 

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