Chapter 7

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The door slowly creaked open, my heart pounding in my chest. I finally saw the Sister Jude, my head tilting to the side. She looked older than I had imagined, her blonde bangs poking out from under her habit. She kept a cold face as she lead us into her office, my eyes glancing around the room. 

I looked to my right were a large cabinet stood, the doors slightly ajar. Inside I saw what looked to be a variety of canes and whips? Before I could get a closer look, Sister Jude slammed it shut. She gestured for Dan and I to sit down, my eyes still raking over the rest of her office. It wasn't anything special, the walls painted white with a little chipping at the bottom.On the left wall, a fire place stood. That was about it.  As I sat in my chair, I found myself staring at a cross that hung behind her wooden desk.  

Sister Jude smoothed out her dress before sitting at her desk. She sat, staring at us for a moment. I tugged at my collar, feeling as if the tense air was suffocating me. "How can I help you?" she spoke in her deep raspy voice. I jumped a little at the sudden sound of her voice. I had expected a much sweeter voice, and hers sounded harsh. 

Dan looked at me, giving a nod of reassurance. I took a deep breath as I got ready to speak. "I would like to release one of the patients here" I spoke slowly as my hands shook, Sister Jude laughing softly in response.

"And let an unstable person go running around in the real world? I don't think so. There's a reason we keep people here. It's to keep the world safe and get them better. I'm not going to let some girl let out a mentally unstable person. That would be, well, insane" she said harshly, her head shaking in disbelief.

I swallowed as I thought of a different approach. I folded my hands and sat up straighter, knowing that I was going to have to be stronger, for Dylan. "Well, Sister Jude, I don't think this patient is in here for a specific reason per say. He hasn't done anything wrong, or done anything to put him here. So I would like to release him into the care of my family" I tried again, trying not to falter under her hard stare. She pursed her lips, as if she was considering what I was saying. 

"And which patient exactly are you referring to?" she asked slowly, her eyes narrowing on me. I felt that she had taken an instant dislike to my new attitude, but at least it was proving to be affective.

"Dylan. Dylan Johnson." I spoke, his name feeling odd on my tongue. It was as if for the past couple years, he hadn't existed. And now suddenly, he did. I could say his name, and place his face to it. 

Sister Jude sat back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. "Ah, Mr. Johnson. Very interesting boy" she clucked as she nodded her head, a hot anger coming over me. I didn't like this women. "He actually does have a reason why he's in here" Sister Jude informed me, a frustrated sigh escaping me. 

"Yes I'm aware. His parents tried to murder me and him as children. They succeeded in another murder though landing them in jail, and him mentally unstable. So they stuck him here. But he hasn't actually committed anything or caused any harm. Correct?" I asked, her eyes wide in surprise. I guess she hadn't expected me to have done my research. 

"Correct" she said hesitantly, studying me closely. "So you were her?" she chuckled to herself, my head nodding slowly. "The famous Emma" she shook her head, smiling at the floor as if she had heard a joke. 

I looked to Dan, confused. Dan shrugged, just as lost as I was. "What about me?" I asked, wanting to know what was so funny. She looked back up at me, a twisted glimmer in her eyes.

"We used to hear your name a lot around here. Dylan never quite let go of you. He would ask to see or talk to you. A lot. He claimed that if we let him talk to you, he could go live with you. He would ask everyday to see his best friend. It actually started causing problems. You see, he would cause problems or try to escape. So the only solution was to burn the memories out of his mind" she smirked at me, my stomach churning. I bent forward, my limbs going numb as I suddenly lost my voice.

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