Chapter 12

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The alarm rang out, jolting me awake. I reached over lazily, turning it off. I sat up, looking around the room. It was still dark, meaning it must be rainy outside; my favorite kind of weather. I turned to my side where Dylan lay. He lay on his stomach, face smushed against the pillow. His arm draped across my torso. His mouth was slightly open, his breathing heavy. I had no idea how he slept through that alarm, nor when he had even made it into my bed. We had definitely started in different rooms.

"Dylan, time to get up" I said, standing up as I stretched. "Yo, cover hog, time to get up" I poked his side, Dylan inhaling deeply as his eyes opened briefly before closing. He grumbled something that I couldn't quite catch, my eyes rolling. "Come on. Get up we have to go to school" I reminded him, earning a groan in response. "Get up" I pushed his back, his hand reaching up and grabbing my hand.

I sighed, trying to pull back but he held on tight. "Hey I get it if you want to be late but that's no reason to hold me back" I groaned as I tried to fight the strength of his grip.

"I'm tired" he groaned as I finally managed to pull my arm free from him. I sighed, crouching down next to the bed until I was eye level from him. He opened his eyes, meeting my stare. As I gazed into the golden brown pools, they moved back and forth over my face. 

I recognized that look of his, a knowing grin on my face. "Are you sure that's why you don't want to get up?" I asked, Dylan sighing as he rubbed his eyes as he was now fully awake. He put his hands down on the mattress, pushing himself up into a sitting position. 

"No" he mumbled, looking down at the bed. I placed a hand on his shoulder, regaining his attention. "I'm just worried" he admitted with a sigh. " know" he said, sensing his idea that if he mentioned what had happened last night and the day before, I would suddenly go back into the place where I wasn't myself. 

"So you aren't worried about starting school at all?" I asked, almost surprised that I was at the top of his worry list. He smiled, letting out a small laugh as he rolled his eyes.

"No, not at all. I mean I'm in almost all of your classes and I kept myself updated on all the information I missed while I was gone. I may have been in an insane asylum but it didn't stop me from keeping up with school work" he explained, a laugh escaping me as I stood up. 

"Wow. I never in a million years thought I would hear you say something so....educational" I fake shuddered, earning a chuckle from Dylan as he pulled himself out of bed, lumbering to his feet. "I'm going to take a shower and get ready. Meet me down stairs" I told him, laughing as he yawned, the sound similar to a cat being strangled. I laughed, shaking my head as I made my way to the bathroom. He was totally nervous. He had to be.


"You ready?" I asked, my hands gripped tightly onto my binder. I looked up at Dylan, who stood next to me, eyes on the front of the school. Dylan's eyes were fixed straight ahead, his face calm as if he wasn't worried. He wasn't jittery or jumpy like he usually gets when he is nervous either. He nodded, giving me my answer. 

"Alright, let's do this" I muttered I pushed through the door, Dylan close behind me. The second I was in the school, I wished I wasn't. I looked around at the students milling around, no joy coming from their existence. I didn't feel happy seeing them because I really had no friends in this school. They were just separate people, uninvolved with my life. 

That's why I disliked high school. Well, that and the fact that my high school experience has been hell. No wonder it physically hurt me to come back here. Dylan nudged me with his elbow gesturing to some girl. "Have I really been gone so long that that's in style?" he laughed, referring to some girl who wore a skirt so short you could practically see her ass. 

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