Chapter One: Fresh Blood

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I had woken up, lying down in grass.

"Herp!" I say, tilting my head to the left, seeing I was in a forest.

"Merp!" I exclaim, spinning my head to the right, confirming my whereabouts.

"Herbaderbader!" I say, lifting up both my legs. I then put all my weight into said legs, causing me to sit up. I bob my head, then stop, listening to everything. I hear the sound of cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens. I feel a gentle breeze coming from my right. I smell intently, and notice a dry feel to it. I look around, my head darting left and right. I start clicking my two right canine teeth together rapidly.

"Something's off... And I don't like it." I said to myself. I stand up, clicking my right canine teeth again. I think for a while on what I should do.

"I could sit here... Or climb a tree to observe ye olde location... I think I'll go with the tree idea." I look to my right, and I see a fair sized tree. I walk to it, and look up, to see that I might be able to climb it. I jump up, and grab a branch, which shortly after breaks under my weight.

"Hm... That sucks." I thought out loud, looking at the branch. I tossed it behind me, and decided to walk aimlessly until something happened. After walking for some time, I saw buildings on the horizon.

"Huh... I betchya there's people there..." I said to myself. I started walking to this civilization, passing by a stream that leads to a lake, a decent sized cliff, and a cave in the side of the cliff. I decided to look into the cave, which was nearly futile.

"Russman can't see shit!" I said, in a raspy voice. The cave was only lit by a small portion of sunlight, making the depths impossible to see. I soon got bored of staring into a dark cave, and continued on my way.

"I wonder what's going on, anyway? I wake up, middle o' nowhere, and all my stuff is missing. At least I still have my clothes." I thought aloud, looking down at my tan combat boots, blue jeans, and light gray t-shirt. I look back up, and see I was about to walk straight into a wooden wall.

"I guess I'm here." I said. I look around the small village, and see people wearing a variety of colored clothes, though the clothes were practically the same. Some were wearing brown, a few green, one was wearing glasses and a white robe. What made it even weirder, they all had brown hair.

I slowly start walking into this town, the gravel crunching under my feet, and everyone starts staring at me. A few were men, some women. No matter who they were, or what they were doing, they stared at me.

I started to look around and tell what buildings were what.

"That looks like a blacksmith's... That's possibly a library... And that... That's a cathedral... Or is it a church?" I whispered to myself. I thought I should ask a few questions, so I approached the smithy. There was a nicely made anvil, some furnaces, and even some glowing hot coal. I looked at the anvil closely, crouching beside it, and examining it closely. My thoughts were interrupted by a young girl, 18 by the looks of it.

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