Chapter two

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As said before, Jenna and Brennon didn't get along well, or at all even. After that night, Jenna was rushed to the hospital, in which she was admitted into the emergency room and checked for concussions and any damages done to her body. Her parents got on a flight home earlier and found themselves at the hospital all night with their son as well.
Jenna's mother sobbed and held onto her husband as he stared at his daughter. It wouldn't be so detrimental if it wasn't for the strike of bad luck that just entered the young girls life;
Tyler Joseph.

An older man, about the age of 30, who was born December 1st 1989. He came from a broken home where his father was an alcoholic that beat on his son and a mother who took her love for Tyler and threw it away in pills and cocaine. It's almost a shame to see a mother abandon her own son, despite the constant cries to them saying she did want to be around.
At the age of 12, Tylers mom finally blew it. She came home one night deeply intoxicated by the powdering substance and liquid potion that only nurtured the need for more.
The poor boy, so young and fragile had to witness it all. She spoke nothing but hateful slurs towards him about how she wished she got an abortion and about how he deserved nothing but torture and to rot in hell for being like his father.
Now, don't take too much of a liking to his father either. The two met at a gas station one night and he knocked her up in a back alley, of course with Tyler. Chris and Kelly split up all because they couldn't get along. She took gratification in the high of injecting meth, and he took satisfaction in dominating women to the point of physically breaking them.
Chris always scolded Tyler for having emotions. He didn't want his son to be anything like his mother. Having to live with each other, Tyler took on the same habits as his dad and even his grandfather who passed away when he was just 7.
It was quite saddening for Tyler because his grandfather was the only stable and sane thing that belonged in his life. To much luck, Tyler was blessed with him in the way that Robert, inspired his grandson to become a doctor. He wanted to be just like his grandfather and make him proud.
That doesn't go to say that he's any better, however.
Tyler ended up being a sadist just like his father, if not worst. He killed him just as he left for college, too. He couldn't stand watching him make /love/ to the same he would cut up and ruin. Prostitutes were their favorite victims. They were just predators searching for their prey.
Tyler found many in the very same place he worked.
He's always been a vulture.

83 hours have passed now in the time it took to complete all tests with Jenna. Everything seemed fine and all tests were okay. Jenna only suffered with a minor concussion and a slight softening of her skull, could be recovered with time and patience of correct healing.
Jenna laid back in the bed with wires attached to her and a tube down her throat to keep her fed. She was barely awake and breathing as she heard a small exchange of voices from the foot of her bed and all around her.
"is my baby girl okay?!" Jenna's mother spoke in a broken and hurt voice. Yes, Jenna was more than okay, but that's not what Dr.Joseph had to say.
"i'm so sorry to say this, Mrs.Black..but it appears your daughter is suffering." he spoke with much emotion in his voice, but any other bastard like him could pinpoint the lies and the faked emotion.
"she not only shows a concussion, but the MRI scans detected a darkening of her frontal lobe, mainly of the left hemisphere. I'm afraid to say that she is sick..mentally." Tyler spoke quiet still. Loads of bullshit.
Brennan frowned and only flicked Jenna's finger as he stared from Tyler to her resting body. "i always knew there was something wrong with her." he said rolling his eyes now.
Jenna's mother looked at her son and went to speak against him, but he quickly fought back, not giving her a chance.
"what?! don't you see it too?!" he nearly shouted. "every person that witnessed this, said she was chanting crazy things about life being pointless and that she was ready to go! listen to the victims around her, not the suspect herself." he spat. "she's pathetic just like grandpa said."
Jenna's father glared at his son. "you will not speak of your sister like that! there's a reason we didn't let your grandfather come last year and you know damn well—" he huffed before realizing Tyler was still standing there.
"please, take this outside?" Tyler said with much sophistication. "we need Ms.Black to get the rest she needs." he said, "then we can discuss mental treatment options. I personally own a treatment facility that would be perfect for her to recover at" he began to just push the idea into their heads.
The Blacks nodded and stayed quiet as they all gave each other the disappointed look and walked out of the room.
As the room consisted of only three people now, you could hear the chattering from the hall lessen and Tyler sat at Jenna's bed.
"get me those fake scans, i want you to write reports..tell them she woke up screaming to be free from this wretched world." The man hummed smirking at Jenna's pale face.
His nurse quickly nodded and blushed as Tyler giving her orders was nearly a gift. She gathered her information on Jenna and threw away the real test results before going to make her own...the ones her /master/ wished for.
Tyler ran his finger across her lips and leaned close.
"you're the most beautiful one i've seen yet" he whispered lifting her face just slightly by his finger under her chin.

"we're going to have so much fun, babygirl, you'll love it here with me and my whores."

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