Chapter 1

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About an hour until the sun goes down. Ugh, I just wish I can find people that isn't a group of guys. I found a group of guys at the beginning of the apocolypse and I knew to run but, they had a lot of men and surrounded a girl that I was with. Her dad was with her so I stayed with them. The men raped me and her right in front of her dad so I claimed I was the sister. I ain't lettin' anyone go down that easy.

I believe her name was Ashley. She begged me not to go down with her but you never leave a man behind. Unfortunately, the men killed her and her dad. I got away but I can barely walk. Cuts and bruises covered my body. Probably hickeys from them bitches too. It was horrible but I wasn't lettin' them go. I've probably lost a lot of blood so that's not helping either. How I'm hanging on this long is miraculous. Soon, everything went dark.

Maggie's P.O.V

I was watching as Shane carried a woman to our farm. He was screaming for my daddy and he rushed out. Daddy told Shane to bring her in the house. Dad rushed back out to Megan and Hunter and told them to stay out here with the group, Beth, and Jimmy. Patricia was probably gonna help daddy with the girl.

After a while everyone was at the front of the house pacing, waiting for daddy to come out. Everyone was shaken up especially Shane since he was worried about what might've happened. Daddy finally came out and he looked like he was crying.

"Hershel, what happened? Are you ok?" Rick asked.

"Daddy? What happened?" Beth asked calmly. Dad stayed silent while Jimmy and Beth held onto Megan and Hunter, the twelve year old twins, so they don't run in the house and disturb the unconscious woman. Dad finally spoke,

"Maggie, Beth. It's your big sister." Beth broke into tears along with Hunter and Megan. My heart stopped for a second.

"Daddy, what's wrong with her?" I asked.

"She's got deep cuts, lots of bruises. I stitched her up. She's a tough one, I'll tell ya that. She's stable and you can see her in the morning." Daddy said. I nodded along with Beth, Megan, and Hunter. I wonder what happened.

"Beth, keep an eye on the twins. I need to lay down a bit. I just don't wanna believe that's Kasey on the bed." Beth nodded and I walked inside to lay down. Once I got up into my room and laid down I just realized how tired I was. I then started to cry, silent sobs. In a matter of seconds sleep pulled me under.


The sun was showing through the windows. I immediately got up, brushed my hair, got dressed, and sprinted downstairs to see daddy.

It took me a while to find him but I did.

"Is she okay? Can I see her now?" I asked. Dad nodded and I sprinted back inside and into her room. I opened the door and she was still out cold. I slowly walked over to her bed and sat in a chair. I put her hand in mine. "Hey Kase. It's good ta see ya again. I just wasn't expecting to see ya like this." I said with a little laugh.

It seemed like hours pasted even though it was minutes. She still hasn't woken up. 'I should let her rest.' I thought to myself. I got up quietly and headed back outside. I hope Kasey is ok.

Kasey's P.O.V

Ugh, so much pain. I wish I could open my eyes but, noooo. Can't do what I want. No matter how hard I tried to open them they wouldn't.

After a bit of struggle I got my eyes open. Everything was blurry but my eyes started to focus. Where the hell am I? What the hell happened? Why am I stitched up? All these questions ran through my head. I groaned and laid my head back down on the pillow.

What felt like hours finally someone came in. My body aches too much for me to try and figure out who it is.

"Kasey! You're up!" A cheery voice said. I recognize that voice. Beth! I just groaned in pain because my throat hurts too much to speak. "I thought you were dead but I didn't want to believe it but yet I did. The part of me that thought you were alive was saying I'll never see you again though."

I finally gained the energy to speak. As much as it hurts, I did.

"Beth......never.....think......I'm.....dead." I said in a really raspy voice. I hurt so much, all over. "I'" Beth was already in tears when I said my first word, now she's sobbing into her hands.

It took all my strength to sit up. I held my arms out. Beth ran into my arms for a much needed hug, for both of us. I was stroking her hair trying to calm her.

"I'm so glad you're ok." She whispered. I nodded and she pulled away. "I'll go tell the others." I shook my head no and she cocked an eyebrow.

"When I gain strength I wanna surprise 'em." I said, barely a whisper. It was barely audible too. I so hate my raspy voice. Beth smiled and nodded then ran back downstairs. In seconds flat she was back up here with a tray of food and some orange juice. I gave a weak sealed mouth smile.

I started eating and Beth was staring at me intently. "There's a group here. You wanna know why they're here, I'm guessing?" I nodded and my youngest sister continued. "A little boy was shot by Otis. Daddy helped him. Otis and Shane, the man who found you and brought you here, went on a run for medical supplies. Otis never came back that night, only Shane did. He claimed Otis risked his life. The rest of their group got here yesterday morning. We then held Otis's funeral and they've been here ever since. Oh, almost forgot, they lost a little girl, too." I nodded.

"Did ya see anything that may be a clue?"

"A clue? For what?"

"Otis being killed."

"Oh. Everybody dies these days. But yea, he had Otis's gun. He was also limping real bad."

"He killed Otis." I whispered to myself. Then, I looked back at Beth and continued my questions. "Did he have a look in his eyes when he said anything? Anything suspicious?"

"Umm. Yes. He had a dangerous and guilty look in his eyes."

"He did kill Otis. Beth, you trust me on this right?"

"Yes, but it's daddy and Rick's call on who stays here." I sighed and nodded. I continued eating.

Once I was finished Beth took everything from me, gave me a quick and gentle hug, went downstairs, and I was falling asleep before I knew it.

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