Chapter 4

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Like I said, this chapter will be a lot longer than the last! I guess I'm just tryin WAY too hard to get everything most of the way done before season 5! Oh reminder, 8 fuckin' days!!! Ahh! So excited! Thanks for reading! Enjoy! Vote, fan, comment, follow! Thanks again! Also, I'm obsessed with this movie called 'Phantom of the Opera' so there will be one little line of a song in this chapter! :)


The past two days, I've been looking for the little girl. I also got my stitches out. Daryl has gotten better and has been starting to notice me but I'm just trying to avoid him. I mean, he never talks to me, but he has stared at me multiple times. I've gotten very close to this group but the rest of my family has stayed away.

Even Megan and Hunter stayed away from them. When I took them into town when they were little they'd talk to strangers. Everybody loved them except kids at school because of their last name. Yes, I gave them the last name of Dixon. They needed a piece of their father. Not just his personality and his eyes.

So right now, I'm sitting with the group, around a fire that's burnt out, eating breakfast. Glenn got up and walked to the center of the group.

"So um guys.....,,there's walkers in the barn." Glenn rushed the last part out. I immediately jumped up and sprinted to the barn and started pacing in front of the doors. Everyone else followed me while I was still pacing. Shane approached me and I stopped pacing.

He shoved me out of the way, literally, and I fell in my ass. How embarrassing! I just sat there, staring at shane, as he looked in the barn through the crack in the doors.

"Ya gonna help me up jackass?" I asked Shane. He turned to me and pulled me up, into his chest. What is wrong with him? He was fine the other day. I tried getting out of his grasp but he had the better grip. Rick had to rip Shane away from me, which I'm thankful for.

You cannot tell me you're ok with this!" Shane growled at Rick.

"I'm not. We're guests here. This is Hershel's land, our sister's father's land, not ours." Rick said, looking at me. I smiled and nodded.

"This is our lives, man!" Shane yelled angrily at Rick.

"Lower your voice." Lori demanded.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug!" Andrea commented. 'No shit, Andrea. We're gonna just watch walkers wanna tear at our flesh!' I thought to myself.

"It's not right. We've either gotta go in there and clear the barn. Or we just gotta go. Rick, we've been talking about Fort Benning a long time now." Shane argues.

"We can't leave." Rick said.

"Why, Rick? Why not?" Shane asked.

"Because, my daughter is still out there."

"Ok. I think it's time we just consider the other possibilities." Shane suggests. I totally agree with him, we haven't found anything. At least I don't think we have.

"We aren't leaving Sophia. My family, our family, is here and safe." Rick said, glancing at me. That almost made we want to cry and I gave a nice smile.

"I'm close to findin' this girl. I found her damn doll two days ago." Daryl argues.

"That's what you did, Daryl. You found a doll. A doll." Uh oh, I might have to break up a fight. Or just help Shane with his argument.

"You don't know what the hell you're talkin' bout!" Daryl growled, advancing on Shane.

"I'm just sayin' what needs to be said!" Shane defends. "You sat a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours."

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