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Harry looks at his arm as he feels it again. A tingly feeling that when he looks flowers appear. Hermione tells him that it means that his soulmate is self harming. He sighs and looks as more flowers appear on his arm. This has been going on for as long as he can remember. Before he knew what it meant it always gave him a weird feeling.
He goes down to the common room to Hermione. "Who ever my soulmate is. They did it again."
Hermione hugs him. "I'm sorry Harry."
Harry sighs and looks at his arm again. "I want to know how I figure out who it is."
"I have an idea." Ron says sitting next to him.
"What?" Harry asks.
"Simple. Cut your hand. Who ever has a flower on the back of what ever hand you cut. That's them."
"that's brilliant Ron!" Harry says excited.
Ron nods. "Yes I do have my smart moments."
Harry runs upstairs and grabs a razor under the bathroom sinks and slowly cuts the back of his left hand.
Now all he has to do is wait.

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