Part 2- Gonegonegonegonegone

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     The party was all set. Now just need to wait for the people.

     I jogged up the road and found myself at the humane society.

     "Hey Gwen!" Gwen is the owner, and she's my aunt. She nodded hello then took a drink from a glass of water. She seemed busy with a customer, so I went to the back room to see if any new puppies had arrived.

     The smell overall isn't very pleasant, but it's familiar.

    I rushed to the back and pushed open the door. There were 5 new pomeranian puppies waiting for me.

   "Aww, you guys are so cute!" I picked up one that was white with brown spots and it licked me.

    I love animals. Someday I want to become a veterinarian or a zoologist. That's why I volunteer here. It also a kind of safe place.

    I played with the puppies for a couple minutes. Then the door opened again, and there stood a familiar face. It was Austin's.

    So many memories came flowing back. He was standing right in front of me. His blue eyes staring into mine. His short blonde hair parted to the side like always. "I didn't know you volunteered here." I stated. "Uh yea," he put his fingers through his hair, "I just started about a week ago." I'm pretty sure he's lying because of his body language. "That's cool." I replied. I wanted to scream at him, tell him that he can't come barging into my life again. But all he wanted to do was help out. I'm being so unfair. He probably didn't even know I volunteered here.

    He handed me a bucket of cookies & cream ice cream (my favorite) and sat down next to me. He laughed at how cute the puppies were. I gave him a smirk and he did it back to me.  I started to realize that maybe he wasn't so bad.

    My thoughts were interrupted when I heard screaming from the other room. Austin and I darted out of the room and found my aunt Gwen laying on the floor. The customer she was talking to earlier was holding up a phone and speaking to someone, "Yes… yes. I'm at the humane society. No, someone passed out. I don't know her name. We were just talking and she started saying her stomach hurt and then she passed out.……. no…." I looked down at my aunt, she looked sick. I looked back at Austin. He looked as surprised as me. How did this happen? Tears escaped my eyes as I ran back home faster than I ever have before.  She gone. Gonegonegonegonegone. It was all happening so fast. Gone.

I think Gwen deserves a vote! Hehe

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