Part 3- Lightning

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    I burst open the doors, hoping that the party hadn't already arrived. But I was too late. My mom was the first person to notice my tears. I decided I shouldn't tell her yet. She's got a party to run. "What's wrong honey?" She asked.

     "Oh. Nothing. I was just so excited to see that the humane society got the cutest puppies, I started crying. Where's dad?"

     "Your father left about 5 minutes ago, he said it was urgent." Oh no. Gwen was dad's sister, he must be on his way to the hospital. I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and wiped away my tears.

     After a few minutes of recollecting myself. The door creaked open a little and found Austin standing there. "Hey..." he lifted his gaze off the ground and stared into my eyes.

     "She's not dead you know…" My heart pounded, "The ambulance came and I asked if she was going to be ok. They said they didn't know, but she was still alive."

     I was so happy I pulled him into a hug and cried into him. He leaned into my ear, "You know, I knew you would be at the humane society. You talked about it all the time when we were together. I went there hoping I could find you to see if you wanted to at least be friends again. I missed you." He held me even tighter after that.

    After awhile we went downstairs to enjoy the birthday party. I thought it would be nice to have fun, for aunt Gwen.

     Everyone was outside in the pool, so me and Austin joined them. The skies were looking gray, but nobody paid attention. We were having too much fun.

     "Heads up Eileen!" Elli hit the beach ball up in the air. Before I could hit it back, Austin splashed my face and the ball came crashing down in front of me-- Which splashed me even more-- I couldn't see from the water in my eyes, but I started splashing in all directions, "AUSTIN!!" He just laughed as I helplessly attacked him with water. My eyes cleared just as a smile appeared on his face. I missed that smile.

     Austin, Liam, Elliot, and I were the last people left in the pool after a couple more hours of swimming. It was getting dark, and it looked like it was going to rain. The ladder had a crack in it, so Austin had to lift me by my waist and help me out of the pool. "Make sure you help Elli out when your done!" I yelled to Liam. Hes 12, so he should be able to watch over Elli perfectly fine. How wrong I was.

    I noticed that Liam came inside as it started to rain. Elli must already be inside. We all sat around the table and prepared for cake. You could here the thundering outside and the house shook a little each grumble.

    I started to panic. Elli wasn't in here. This was his birthday party and we were eating cake without him. Before I could say anything, dad came bursting through the door and started saying something.

    I couldn't understand what he was saying because my head started fogging up. I felt as if I was going to lose consciousness. My stupidity overcame me and I needed air. I ran out the back door and sat down on the porch with my knees to my chest. I regained my instincts back when I heard crying. I quickly got up and reached the edge of the pool. The ladder had been completely broken and Elli was stuck inside. Not thinking, I jumped into the pool and grabbed Elli. I hugged him tight then got him out safely.

    "Go inside bud. I'll be there in a second."
    I saw lightning nearby and it was raining hard. I jumped out of the pool but slipped and fell onto the hard ground. I was out of energy to get back up again. My vision was foggy and I felt dizzy.

    I tried to scream but I'm not sure if anything came out. My ears burst as a lightning bolt struck down from the sky and blasted me into the air. My eyes were open and I could feel a slight tingling from the electricity. My ears were bleeding and there was a sharp pain in my side. I felt paralyzed. I knew I wasn't going to make it. The last thing I saw was Elli  rushing out the door in a crying panic. Austin trailed behind and came barreling towards me. They expressions on their faces horrified me. Then everything went dark.

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