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Cairo's POV

"Come on Isabella." I say while waking into the hotel bedroom.

Today's the 2027 World Cup Final and The US is playing Canada in Sydney, Australia. I'd be lying if I said I'm not sad not to be out on the pitch.

"Mama help." Isabella says and holds up her jersey with Lindsey's number.

I walk over to my favorite 5 year old and help her put on her jersey.

"There we go." I say.

The two of us walk into the living room of our suite and meet up with Lindsey's parents. The four of us then leave the hotel and make our way to Stadium Australia where the final is being held. Once at the stadium we are ushered, along with the other families, to our seats which are a little ways down from the bench.

"MOMMY." Isabella yells when she notices Lindsey.

Lindsey smiles then blows Isabella a kiss.

A couple of minutes later the teams leave the field only to return minutes later for the National anthem's and pre match stuff.

"This is weird." A voice to left of me says so I turn toward said voice.

"Oh hey Kels." I say. "And yeah it is weird."

Kelley goes to say something, but the whistle blows starting the game.

Jordyn and Jessie, like they've done all tournament, take over the game and 90 long minutes later Canada won the World Cup by a score of 4-1. As Canada celebrates Jessie and Jordyn walk by and I give them a discreet thumbs up causing them to smile at me and nod.

"Well that was brutal." Kelley says.

"Yeah. Frankly I don't know how the girls got to the final. They haven't looked like themselves all tournament." I say as Lindsey approaches us.

"Hey." Lindsey says sadly.

"Hi Mommy." Isabella says and leans over the rail to kiss her Mommy.

"Hey beautiful." I say and Lindsey looks at me.

I can tell there isn't anything I can say to make this any better so I just kiss her.

"We'll see you back at the hotel." I say and Lindsey nods then leaves.

After Lindsey leaves the medal ceremony starts and after all the US girls get their medals they immediately take them off. After Canada lifts the trophy Lindsey's parents, Isabella, and I leave the stadium and head back to our hotel room.

An hour after we got to our hotel room Lindsey arrives with all of her stuff.

"Hey baby." I say and open my arms.

Lindsey sniffles and walks into my arms.

"I'm sorry Lindsey." I say and run my fingers through her hair.

"It's okay...I kinda knew it would turn out like this?" Lindsey says into my neck.

"Why?" I ask and rock us back and forth.

"We haven't been the same since you had to retire...and honestly I haven't been the same since you retired."

I guess we are having this conversation now. Lindsey has mentioned retirement before, but just in passing.

I tap Lindsey's thighs and she jumps and wraps her legs around me while keeping her head in my neck.

"We need to talk." I mouth to Lindsey's parents who nod.

I walk us into our bedroom and close the door then sit on the bed.

"What's wrong Princess?" I ask making Lindsey remove her head from my neck.

"You aren't on the field with me." Lindsey says as I wipe the tears away.

"I know baby, but we both know I can't."

"I know...It's just not the same without you on the field. That first game after you retired I went to do our prematch routine, but you weren't there and ever since then I've been loving playing less and less."

"So what do you want to do?" I ask.

"I want to retire. I miss being at home with you and Bella...I feel like I've missed raising her."

"Hey." I say and kiss Lindsey's shoulder. "You are doing what you love to do and Isabella and I understand that and we would love having you home with us...guess what?"

"What?" Lindsey whispers.

"I love you.

"I love you too." Lindsey says and kisses me.

"Mommy?" Isabella says and pushes open the door.

"Hi Bella." Lindsey says and lifts Isabella into her lap.

"You sad Mommy?" Isabella asks as she places her little hands on Lindsey's cheeks and looks over her Mommy's face.

"A little bit baby, but I'll be okay."

"Isabella guess what?" I say.

"What Mama?"

"Mommy's going to be home more."

"Really?" Isabella asks and looks at Lindsey.

"Yes baby. I'll be home a lot more and only gone for a couple days during some months."

"What?" I ask.

"Um FS1 wants me to do color commentary for National team games." Lindsey says.

"That's awesome."

"Yeah. Also the Lightning want me to do color commentary for home games."

"That should be fun." I say as I see Isabella cuddle up into Lindsey. "You okay Bella Boo?"

"Mhmm." She says. "Happy Mommy's gonna be home. Now we can have better tea party's, go get ice cream, play at the park, go to the beach, swim in the pool, and maybe get a doggy?"

"We'll see about the dog." Lindsey says with a smile. "But we're definitely doing all that other stuff and more."

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