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Isabella's POV

It's my last period on the first day of school and my phone just buzzed

Mommy⚽️ : We need you home straight after practice.

Me: Okay? Is everything okay?

Mama🧜🏼‍♀️: Yes we just need to talk to you about something.

Me: Did I do something wrong?

Mommy⚽️: No Bella.

Mama🧜🏼‍♀️: We just need to have a family chat.

"Someone's in trouble." David, the schools playboy, says.

"Not really. And stop looking at my phone dude. That shit's not cool."

"Aww did your Mommies cut you off?" I say getting everyones attention.

"Cut me off?"

"Oh they took away your Mercedes. How sad."

"I bought that my self dumbass." I say.

"I'm sure." David sarcastically says.

"Listen David." I say then sigh. "I'm pretty sure you couldn't even add up all the numbers in my bank account so just shut up before I embarrass you."

"Ooooh." The whole classroom says.

"Class dismissed." The teacher says after the bell rings.

I gather my stuff and leave the class room and head to my car. Once at the car I put my stuff in the back seat then wait in the drivers seat for my girlfriend.

We alternate who drives everyday.

"Hey babe." Scarlett says then pecks my lips when she gets in the car.

"Hello princess." I say and intertwine our hands.

I then leave the school and head to Scarlett and I's first day of school traditional drink stop.

"Hey girls." The owner says through the drive through window

"Hey Linda." My girlfriend and I say in unison.

"Here ya go." Linda says and hands me the medium milkshake. "See you two later."

"Bye" we say and pull off.

We then head to our spot overlooking the city then Scarlett climbs into my lap and rests her back against the window. The two of us then talk about random stuff while drinking the milkshake.

30 minutes later Scarlett moves back to her side so I take her home then I head to my house.

"MOM'S I'M HOME." I yell when I get into the house.

"LIVING ROOM." Mama yells.

I set my stuff down by the base of the stairs then head to the living room.

"Hello." I say then hug my Mom's. "So what's up."

"Seems like your high in demand." Mama says then dumps a bunch of college letters on the couch.

"Woah." I say and pick a couple up. "All of these are for me?

"We're so proud of you." Mommy says.

- - - - -

Cairo's POV

"Yeah we'll see you for thanksgiving next week." I say to Alex over the phone

"MOMMY" I hear Isabella sob out then a door slam.

"I'll have to call you back." I say quickly and hang up.

I then run out of my drawing room and into the living room. Once in the living room I see my daughter on the couch bawling her eyes out so I rush over to her.

"Baby what's wrong?" I ask and bring my little girl into my arms.

"S-S-S-Scar...f-f-f-fight...c-c-c-college" Isabella chokes out as Lindsey comes rushing down the stairs.

"Mama's got you." I say and rock us back and forth while Lindsey rubs our daughter's back. "Mama's got you."

We stay like this for about 30 minutes then I hear Isabella's soft snores so I pick her up then follow Lindsey up the stairs and to our daughter's room. Once in the room Lindsey pulls the covers back then I lay our daughter down in her bed then tuck her in. My wife and I then slowly back out the room and head to our room to text Christen and see if she knows what's going on.

Me: Hey how's Scarlett?

Christen: Well she cried herself to sleep before either Tobin or I could ask what's wrong.

Christen: Do you know what's wrong?

Me: Isabella cried herself to sleep as well. They were talking about colleges and had an argument. That's all we could get out of her before she fell asleep.

Me: I think they were talking about their future's and their dreams for college didn't line up.

Christen: Maybe we should postpone dinner until they're on better terms.

Me: Agreed. I'll let you know what we find out when Isabella wakes up.

"Let's order Chinese tonight." Lindsey says with her head rested on my shoulder.

"Good idea Princess." I say then kiss my wife's head.

A couple seconds later we hear sniffles so my wife and I look up and see our daughter holding her stuffed bear Scarlett won her.

"Hey Bella Boo." I say.

"Hi mama." Isabella says and shuffles over to us.

"Come here." Lindsey says and pats the space in-between us.

Isabella gets into our bed then sits in between us and focus' on her stuffed bear.

"You okay?" I ask.

Isabella shakes her head no.

"What happened baby?" Lindsey asks then Isabella leans her head onto her Mommy's shoulder.

"We were talking about colleges and Scar told me she didn't get in to USC so she wanted to choose a different school so we can be together. I told her USC is my dream school and that's where I'm going. After that we just started fighting."

"Oh baby." I say then lean on Isabella and wrap my arms around here.

"Am I in the wrong?" Isabella asks.

"No baby." Lindsey says then kisses Isabella's forehead.

"It's your life Isabella. You have to live with the choices you make."

"We always talked about going to college together."

"Bella if you two are meant to be together then you'll be together." Lindsey says.

"Everything will work itself out baby." I say. 

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