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Cairo's POV

Lindsey is out getting lunch for the three of us right now and Isabella and I are cuddled together in the media room watching some movie. Isabella had a complete ACL tear so she's out till next season. She had surgery a couple days after her injury and right now she's recovering at home.

"Mama?" Isabella asks as I run my fingers through her beautiful jet black hair.

"Yes?" I say.

"How did you know you had feelings for Mommy?"

"She was able to calm my nerves before a game. I would get happy whenever she walked in the room. I was very closed off the first time I met the team, but your Mama got me to open up about some stuff from before I met her."

"Did you see yourself getting married to her?"

"She was the type of woman I wanted to married, but until she admitted that she had feelings for me I didn't."


"Everything before then hadn't gone my way so I just thought this was another thing that was going to not go my way."

"When did you know you wanted to marry Mommy?"

"A couple months after we started dating."

We still haven't told Isabella I was raped.

"Is it weird dating your best friend?" Isabella asks.

"It's actually kinda nice." Lindsey says.

Isabella and I look towards the sound of the Lindsey's voice.

"Hi Mommy." Isabella says.

"Hello Princess." I say.

"How are my two favorite Ladies?" Lindsey asks and pecks my lip then she kisses our daughter's forehead.

"Hungry." My daughter and I say in unison.

"Well your in luck." Lindsey says and hands us our Chinese food.

"Thank you." I say as Lindsey lays on the other side of Isabella.

"So Bella." Lindsey says.

"Yes Mommy?"

"How long have you had a crush on Scarlett?"

"Uh. For a while now."

"Does she like you back?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"Well you can talk to her tonight." Lindsey says.


"The Heath family is coming over for dinner."

- - - - -

Isabella's POV

"I'll get it." Mommy says after the doorbell rings.

Mama and I are making dinner for everyone and Mommy was keeping us company. Apparently before I was born Mommy tried to make dinner and almost burnt the house down so now, according to Mama, Mommy's helps by keeping the counter warm. Basically Mama just kisses Mommy a lot while she cooks. 

"What's cooking good looking?" I hear Aunt Christen say making me giggle.

"Hi Mama C." I say and hug her.

"Hey sweetie." Christen says then hugs Mama. "Hey Cairo."

"Hey Christen." Mama says.

"Hey Mama T." I say and hug Aunt Tobin.

"Hey Bella." Tobin says then hugs Mama.

"So what are you cooking?" Scarlett asks as she stands next to Mama.

"You and Isabella's favorite meal." Mama says.


"Bella help me set the table." Mommy says.

I nod then help Mommy with setting up everything. My Mom's then bring in the food and then everyone dishes out what they want to eat.

Dinner goes great and it's really nice not to think about how crap my life has been recently due to my surgery.

"Mom's we're going to my room." I say and stand up with Scarlett.

"Okay Bella." Mommy says and her and Mama smile at me.

Scarlett and I walk, well she walks I crutch towards the stairs then Scarlett wraps an arm around me and helps me up the stairs.

"Thank you." I say and kiss her cheek.

Apparently that shocked her because when I was crutch towards my room I realize I'm alone so I look back towards the stairs and see Scarlett standing there touching the spot on her cheek that I kissed.

"You coming or what?" I ask.

Scarlett shakes her head and follows me into my room then helps me onto my bed before she lays next to me.

"So what have I missed at school?"

"Nothing much. No new drama."

"And anything new going on in your life?" I ask.

"I may have a crush on someone." Scarlett admits.

Please be me. Please be me. Please be me. Please be me. Please be me.

"And do I know this person?"

"Yeah." Scarlett whispers.

"So...what's her name?" I ask.

"Isabella Océane Horan"

- - - - -

"Come on Bella." Scarlett says. "You can do it."

"It hurts." I say through gritted teeth while trying to walk towards my girlfriend of 4 months, who's on the other side of the therapy room.

My Mom's came with us too, but Scarlett usually takes over for the last twenty minutes of therapy so I can actually finish.

"I know it does baby, but you have to do you rehab or you won't be able to play."

"I can't." I say through gritted teeth.

"Come on Baby Bells...When you get to me you can have all the kisses you want."

Well that's a good incentive. Scarlett's kisses are addictive.

"Okay." I say

I then slowly walk towards my beautiful girlfriend.

"There you go Bella...Just a couple more steps."

"I can't."

"A couple more steps babe. That's all you need to do then you can rest."

I take a deep breath in then nod and move one foot in front of the other.

"Four...three...two...one." Scarlett says then wraps her arms around me and softly kisses me. "You did great Bella."

"I believe I was promised all the kisses I want." I innocently say.

Scarlett smirks then softly kisses me, but I quickly deepen the kiss.

"Alright girls." Mama says and pulls us apart. "You both need to breathe."

"Sorry." Scarlett and I say in unison.

"Oh don't worry about your Mama. She's just teasing." Mommy says and kisses my head.

"Mama can we get a snow cone?" I ask.

"I think your Mommy-" Mama tries to say, but is cut off.

"It is pretty hot outside babe." Mommy says.

"You three are so lucky I love you." Mama says and kisses my head. "Come on. Let's get you girls your snow cones."

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