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Peters POV


I got up from the spot in my room. Ned had just left, and I was finishing our LEGO set. All day-make that all this month- I've been sensing something is wrong. May got a new boyfriend, his name doesn't matter. I never liked him. He never liked me. Whenever I'd be around him, my spidey-sense would go off faintly, letting me know he's dangerous. I could see the gun. Or the knife. Or whatever weapon he wanted to bring that week. But today, my spidey-sense blared louder than the fire alarm at my elementary school. I heard everything. Mays cries, her screams, and most especially, the gunshot.

I wanted to run, but something inside me made me freeze. Like when your hand are wet and you reach in to grab a few ice cubes. It hurts like hell to get off. And for some reason, it's hurting me to try to get up and run. Maybe I could get May, take her to the hospital just in time. But for some reason my spidey-sense told me no.

"Karen." I whispered to the AI who was in my ear. I never took out the ear piece. Mr. Stark made me a look-a-like a hearing aid which was actually just an earpiece. May agreed to fake me having a disability for my safety. That bit only lasted a few weeks until I just hated wearing it, felt wrong. No one said anything about it, so I figured no one would say anything about a regular ear piece in my ear. I was right, I've had this in my ear for a little over a year. (Okay he's obviously washed it and such don't think he's kept it in his ear constantly)

"Is something wrong Peter?" Karen, my AI replied at the same volume I was at.

"Tell Mr. Stark to get here." I could feel my heart rate elevate. I wanted to impress everyone, take out this man by myself, but there is too many risks. Too many questions. Too many chances.

For the next four minutes, I heard nothing. Stress rose in me, I had to do something, but what? My spidey-senses calmed down, but I didn't want to chance it. I heard the TV turn on, he's still here.

"Karen? Where is Mr. Stark?" I whispered again.

"He is in a meeting." How could a meeting be more important than this?

I sighed. "Tell him I'm hurt."

"But you seem to be in good health." Karen replies with a question.

"I know. Tell him I can't walk, and May isn't home. And tell him to come in quietly through my window." If Mr. Stark was told I was hurt, he'd bolt out of that dumb meeting.

"Would you like me to tell him the truth?"

"What do you mean?"

"May Parker has passed. Should I send that instead?" Passed? Dead? Oh my god. I didn't do anything. It's my fault.

"She's dead?" My eyes filled with tears, but I couldn't make a sound, in fear of the boyfriend hearing me. I wiped away the tears, crying made me feel weak. I have to stay strong right now.

Behind me, I heard the faint wiring sounds of the Iron Man suit. I turned around slowly, seeing Mr. Stark hovering outside my window.

"Mr. Stark? What are you-" I've must've said too loud, cause pounding footsteps came towards my room.

"What the hell!" The boyfriend busted my door open to see me sitting in the middle of my floor and Iron Man outside. Mr. Stark shot him with his repulsers, but only at his legs. The window broke, and so did the LEGO set. The boyfriend fell to the ground unconscious, relieving me.

After Mr. Stark was able to get through the window, he immediately sat me down on my bed.

"Mr. Stark? What's going on." I knew what was going on. I didn't know why I asked.

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