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(The picture above is what his room looks like. It's probably easier just see a picture)

Peters POV

The car ride was mostly quiet. Mr. Stark tried to talk to me, but I wasn't in the mood.

"Drive on the highway, see if we can get the kid to fall asleep." I heard him whisper to Happy. I didn't mind. Sometimes those long drives on the highways at night are relaxing. You get to just sit, watch out the window and everything feels okay. I watched out the window as we passed by hotels, gas stations, sky scrapers, other cars. After being mesmerized by the night, I fell into a peaceful rest.

It's dark. Where am I? Why can't I see?

"Peter!" A booming voice says from above.

"Jesus? Is that you?" I call out! Probably the dumbest thing to do in a situation like this.

"Peter?" Another voice calls from behind me. I quickly spin around and see May.

"Oh my god, May?" I gasp. What world am I in? Is this real?

"Pete, baby, I've missed you." What she says echos from behind me again. I look behind me, and see May again. Within a second, thousands of Mays appear around me, saying the same exact thing.

"Peter, why did you leave me?" They call out.

"What do you mean?" If anything she left me.

"It's your fault." They yell. I hear a gunshot, then feel hot sting in my leg. I look down and see blood pouring out of this gunshot wound. More and more gunshots and more and more pain. I fall to the ground, and black liquid melts around me. It begins to set in, and I become stuck. The hold keeps getting tighter and tighter around my neck. I pass out immediately, only seeing a yellow haze.

I jolt up, covered in sweat. The bed feels different than my regular one. The blankets are scratchy, and look like something you'd your grandmas guest room. The room is unfamiliar. I don't know where I am, but at the same time I feel like I do.

"Good morning, Mr. Parker. Tony is waiting for you in his lab." A voice called from above. That was FRIDAY. Why am I at the avengers tower? Why not at some adoption center, or foster home.

"Yeah, thanks Fri." I get from the bed, and immediately leave to go down to the lab, with the help of FRIDAY. I don't really know why I'm here, why Tony is keeping me, or what my future ends up being. I just want to go back to my apartment and get out of these jeans.

"Hey, Mr. Stark." I knock on the glass wall and walk in. He's working on something, I can't really tell what it is.

"Sleep well?" I nod, "Good. Do you want new clothes? We can head to the mall. Do you want to work on something?" He rushes so many questions at me. I don't know why he'd think I'd want to go to the mall.

"Um, you have my sizes from when I was measured for the spiderman suit. Happy can get clothes later. I'm just kinda hungry." I am really hungry, but at he same time, I don't want to eat. The avengers will all be down there, and I'll be overwhelmed with 'sorry' and 'I'm here for you'.

"Right, I'm sorry. We can go get food. Where to? Chinese? Thai? Indian? We could go to that sandwich shop."

"I was thinking cereal. I don't really have luxury meals everyday, but you do you." I didn't mean to seem rude to him, but it had to be said. He looks disappointed, but tries to hide it.

"Come with me then. I'll show you the way." He starts walking, rushing everything again.

"I'm going to get my phone, and I know my way to the kitchen, thanks though." I fake a smile and head back to my room.

Once I reach the room I woke up in, I lock the door and collapse on the bed. Oh my god, I hate it here. I hate it already so much. I break down for twenty minutes, but once I calmed down, I curl into bed and go on my phone. I scroll through my camera roll, and deleted every picture of May. Too many memories. Too many reasons to make me cry.

After five minutes, Tony knocks on my door.

"Kid? You good in there? I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I can let you have some space" While Tony kept on blabbering on about how he's sorry, I got up and opened the door and stared at him. He must've noticed my red face and eyes, cause he just started asking so many questions.

"Are you okay?"


"Do you want to be alone."

"I'm fine."

"Do you need anything."


"I'm trying to help. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." I say with a tone. Tony looks at me with surprise and annoyance.

"I'm going to let you be alone. Come down when you're ready." I know he wanted to yell at me, just like every parent does when their kid talks back. But he couldn't. You can't yell at a mourning kid for talking back.

All that day, I stay in my room. I have nothing but the clothes on my back and my phone, which died a while ago. FRIDAY said I could ask Tony for a charger, but I don't want to see him. I found a random book on a small shelf and read some of it. Got pretty boring by chapter 7.

I look over at the digital clock and see that it's already 4:57PM. I don't remember what time I woke up, but I must've fell asleep. It didn't feel like six or seven hours. Felt like not even one. Everything around you is so slow, but everything else is going three times the speed.

I begin to feel tired once again. I had nothing to do, so I just fell asleep. I might get nightmares. I might get a good dream. I might not dream at all. I was just glad I could be away from reality for a while.


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